Chapter 40 Mount Gui (NPC)

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Here’s a list of names, in case someone couldn’t remember them:

Level 8 team
张章 Zhang Zhang (leader)
富春 Fu Chun (chef)
尤星 You Xing (young girl)
杜凤 Du Feng (older sister)
杜军 Du Jun (younger brother)

Han Yu (Real estate agent)
Jiang Yiran (college young man)
Qi Shan (young girl)

Wen Lang crossed his hands and said, "Continue! I think both of you are too weak, you should use more force and beat each other to death."

Han Yu spit out a mouthful of blood, "You are sick."

Wen Lang glanced at Han Yu, then turned to ask Jiang Yiran, "What happened?"

Jiang Yiran immediately answered emotionally, "He is too shameless! When the big snake came out, he pulled Qi Shan to block in front of him. Qi Shan was too weak to break free."

Hearing that, Wen Lang's eyes changed when he looked at Han Yu, "Frick, are you still a man?!"

Knowing that he couldn't beat the seniors, Han Yu kept his face down and said nothing.

Zhang Zhang's team also came to check out what happened. The girls in the team heard it and immediately wanted to go up, but Zhang Zhang stopped them. Zhang Zhang looked at Han Yu and said, "You're a man, at the very least you must have a bottom line on what should not be done. You can run for your own life, but pulling a woman to block in front of you is a bit too much."

Han Yu doesn’t have anything to say.

Jiang Dong stood behind Wen Lang and said, "If a person like you falls into my hands, I'm afraid you won't be able to ‘carry on your bloodline’ in this lifetime (meaning castrated)." The scalpel in his hand fluttered at his fingertips, gleaming with cold light.

Wen Lang turned his head sideways and finally felt that Jiang Dong is pleasing to the eye for once.

Qin Tan and Lou Fan came over, Qin Tan looked at Han Yu indifferently, "Captain Zhang, do you want to keep this person? For me, I don't dare to keep him around. If he caused harm to my team, I can't guarantee his life."

Zhang Zhang spread his hands, "If you don't keep him, of course I won't either."

Han Yu looked at them in disbelief. He didn't expect that he only pulled a woman as a shield, and that caused him to be left behind. If anything popped out of this place, it could kill him. "No, no, don't leave me!" Han Yu defended. "I was scared just now so I didn't think about it that much. I was wrong, please? Don't leave me. I'm just scared."

"You're afraid, but others aren't?" Lou Fan didn't like Han Yu and his attitude. He hated people who bullied vulnerable people the most.

"Is Qi Shan hurt?" Seeing Qi Shan shaking her head, Lou Fan said, "Then, let's go quickly, don't waste time."

Everyone moved to leave and Han Yu wanted to follow. Fu Chun received an eye signal from the 2 women in his team and raised his cooking spade[1], swinging it to the tree beside him. With a KACHA, the tree snapped and fell down.

Han Yu got startled and didn't dare to move. Gritting his teeth, he dared not speak. He can only wait for the group to walk away, and then slowly keep up. He looked around anxiously, keep having a feeling that something is spying in the dark, ready to jump out at any time and swallow him.

The woods here are not very lush, but when one is afraid, those looming tree shadows look so terrifying. Seeing that the group in front of him is not paying attention to him, Han Yu accelerated his steps, and finally got closer. He felt a little more at ease when he could hear their voices. If he had known that he could just hide back then, he won’t let his cheap instinct take over and grab Qi Shan in front of him. Now he did it, he doesn't have to pretend to be a good person anymore but at the same time, his shelter is gone.

Wen Lang threw a glance to the back and said, "That Han Yu is really… ‘give him an inch and he’ll take a mile’. He's following up again."

Actually, Qi Shan is not very scared. Being comforted by the 2 big sisters, she felt warm in her heart. She has been the kind of unpopular person since she was a child, and now she is very flattered by everyone being so nice to her. With a smile on her face, she stopped shrinking her body and walked with a straight posture.

Lou Fan glanced back. Seeing that Han Yu had stopped, he turned his head with a blank expression, "Let him be, we can't force people to death after all. Just this is fine."

Lou Fan is not Holy Mother, but he will not be a person who insists on forcing people to death. As long as the person is not obstructing in front of him, to be able to return to Lazuli alive is that person’s ability.

As they are talking, Zhang Zhang, who is leading the way, suddenly stopped. The level 8 team members are standing in a line so the people behind couldn't see what is in front of them. Seeing Zhang Zhang stop, the people behind him also moved forward. However, when they saw the scene in front, everyone seemed to be nailed to the spot.

It is an open land, but it is densely packed with holes, big and small. This view is very similar to the holes made by the groundhog on the prairie, but everyone knows that it is not a groundhog burrow, but a snake hole. Dense snake holes. Just thinking about that gave them goosebumps all over their body.

Han Yu didn't know what is going on in front of him. He only saw a group of people standing there motionless. He is so curious and wanted to go up and take a look. At this moment, a dark shadow flashed past him. Han Yu is stunned for a moment before screaming out and running forward, "AHH! Help!"

The group of people who were previously stunned turned their heads vigilantly and saw Han Yu dashing towards them.

Qin Tan frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Han Yu gasped heavily and pointed shakily to the place where he stood just now, "There, there is something over there! Its speed is too fast, I can't see it clearly." It’s small and moves like lightning.

Wen Lang obviously didn't believe Han Yu and said, "Maybe you did it on purpose to deceive us." This person is not honest at all. He’s cunning like a loach and more society-trained than him.

"Okay, don't worry about that. Let's discuss what's in front of us first." Zhang Zhang didn't take Han Yu seriously at all, the situation in front of him is much more important.

Only then did Han Yu see the dense holes. He swallowed and couldn’t help asking, "Is this a snake hole?"

Wen Lang rolled his eyes at Han Yu, "What else? Wormhole?"

"Team leader Qin, what do you think?" Zhang Zhang asked.

Qin Tan exhaled, "According to this situation, it is not possible to say that it is a snake cave at the bottom. It is definitely dangerous to go down, but the chances of completing the task as soon as possible are also very high, whether it is the Longjing grass we want or the snake you need to kill. "

Zhang Zhang nodded, he thought so too. Although it is dangerous down there, it also means that there is a high chance of encountering a snake, so there is no need to go around looking for it. But they might get surrounded by snakes, the risk factor is too high.

"Let's discuss with our own team and act according to the decisions." Qin Tan said after thinking about it for a while. If both teams have the same opinion, they will work together. They’ll discuss again later if it's different. They are just looking for grass anyway. In case they found it and a snake appears, they can always run away if they can't win.

Qin Tan’s team has a straightforward mission here, but Zhang Zhang and the others are different. Not to mention the time-consuming search for snakes, it is a bit difficult for his team to deal with snakes. Like the snake just now, if they have no way to restrain it, it is really hard to kill it. The strength of the 2 girls in his team is not weak, but their strength is still not as strong as that of men. Du Feng's strength after wearing her gloves is extremely powerful, but ordinary ropes are not enough to fix the Chang snake in place.

Zhang Zhang is inclined to cooperate with Qin Tan’s team and shared his ideas with the people in the team. For Fu Chun, he will fight where he is directed. You Xing is the most thoughtful, and Du Feng and her brother also listen to everyone's opinions.

You Xing thought for a while and said, "If they can help us, then let's go down together. I think they will go down."

You Xing is right. Lou Fan and the others unanimously decided to go down and try their luck. Although it looks like there are many snake holes, there are not necessarily that many snakes below. According to experience, the holes should be connected.

"Shuyang, you walk in the middle. Qin Tan and I are in the lead, while Wen Lang and Jiang Dong pay attention to the back. Be sure to pay attention to safety." After Lou Fan finished saying that, he took out the radish flowers from the bag. He brought a total of 15 flowers to this world. It is also the last 15 flowers in his possession, and each person got 2 flowers.

Lou Fan: "I have tried using this radish flower before. As long as it is crushed and applied to the other party, it will have a stun effect. It is 100% effective on people, but I don't know how it will work on snakes."

After everyone put away the radish flower, Lou Fan took out the immortality amulets from the bag and said, "I also bought this thing but I haven't tried it yet. The other party said that it can immobilize creatures within 5 meters from you, and it is a life-saving tool. Keep it."

After giving out the things, Chen Shuyang still stared at Lou Fan with bright eyes. Lou Fan laughed out, "What is it? Are you still waiting for me to take out some more good things? I don’t have any more. I'm not Doraemon, these are all I have."

Even though being teased like this, Wen Lang felt very satisfied with the items. He knew that if those items are put on the bazaar, everyone would be fighting for it. Jiang Dong felt the same, he only felt that the things in his hands are very heavy. These are the things that could save lives, but Lou Fan took them out so casually.

Lou Fan didn't know what the members are thinking. All he knew is that if the team is strong, everyone could survive.

The 3 newcomers are a little nervous. If the seniors wanted to go down the hole, what will they do? Jiang Yiran stood with Qi Shan, Qi Shan didn't have a fearful expression on his face, while Jiang Yiran is a little nervous. Han Yu stood by himself, his eyes darting back and forth in confusion.

After both sides have discussed it, Zhang Zhang and Qin Tan got together to combine opinions and plan for the next step.

Chen Shuyang went to tell Jiang Yiran and Qi Shan about some precautions. He told them to hide somewhere nearby and wait for them to come back before distributing some food to them. He glanced sideways at Han Yu, and whispered, "You two, protect yourself and your food. If something goes wrong, run away. But don't get too far or we won't be able to find you then."

At the side, Wen Lang and Jiang Dong are preparing their own things, keeping their weapons handy for easy access.

Lou Fan sat down and ate some snacks. He has all his belongings in his backpack, and some sweets he likes. There is a snack in the Lazuli exchange machine called butter beans that suits his taste very well. It’s sweet and fragrant, Lou Fan loves it. At this moment, he took out the butter beans and threw them into his mouth, while imagining what is under the hole. As Lou Fan is deep in his thoughts, his hand missed, and a butter bean fell to the ground, rolling into the grass patch beside it. Not sure if his hands were shaky, he missed again, and another butter bean rolled to the same place.

Lou Fan glanced over and noticed that something is wrong — the first butter bean is missing. He stared at the second butter bean for a long time but there is no movement in the grass. He looked away, deliberately 'missed', and threw one onto the ground. At the same time, he paid attention to the grass patch from the corner of his eye.

Something flashed by, and the butter bean is gone in an instant. The thing moved so fast that Lou Fan didn't even see what it is.

What is it?

Lou Fan patted his bottom and stood up, still holding a handful of butter beans in his hand. He acted like he didn't care, and ‘accidentally’ dropped a butter bean after every few steps. The beans he dropped are lined up in a straight line. Lou Fan walked a few steps quickly and dropped one again before hiding behind a tree. The place he found is quite strategic. It is only a little distance from the crowd, so as not to scare the thing. But if it appears, he could see clearly what it is right away.

Raw word count: 3125


[1] A correction to Fu Chun’s spirit weapon. At chapter 36, I translated his weapon as a big shovel because both cooking spade/spatula and shovel has the same chinese word. Since the author didn’t elaborate at that moment, I don’t know which one is correct.