Chapter 56 pt2

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Hey guys! Sorry for this late post. I've been studying for a lot of tests recently, so I've had less time for translating. I will not be posting tomorrow (have a midterm to take). Next week will go back to a regular schedule though. [2 chs a week Tues-Fri] I promise!! -Cinnabun


There were still the Third family and Fourth family couples going back with them, so she did not personally send him home.

When he got home, Xue Qinghuai said: "Zhao'er, I think Tingzi has drunk a lot of wine, so you guys should rest early, and call me if something happens."

"Fourth Uncle, I know."

Zhao'er opened the door and pulled Xue TingRang, who was standing aside surprisingly quiet, into the door. She was worried. Seeing that he could still stand, she hurriedly turned on the light and turned her head to see whether he was still standing there.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? If you feel really uncomfortable, just vomit."

He still stood still, and Zhao’er went to pull him. Then he vomited out. He vomited a lot of filth, mixed with pungent alcohol, and retched while vomiting.

Zhao'er could only help him and said: "keep throwing up. When you are done, you will feel better"

After he stopped vomiting, Zhao'er helped him to go to the kang, and was about to fetch water to wash him. Zhou shi came in with a basin of hot water: "I heard the Tingzi threw up, so I heated some bath water for him. There is still hot water in the pot, so I will make him a bowl of strong tea and have him drink some hangover soup later. "

"Thank you, Auntie."

"No need to thank me." Zhou shi said, put down the basin, and went to take the broom and the duster to sweep the dirt.

It took a lot of effort to take off Xue TingRang's shirt and shoes, and she wiped his head, face, hands and feet, and placed him on the kang. Turning her head, she pulled out the tea leaves from the cabinet, and took them to the stove. She brewed a bowl of bitter tea and brought it back.

"Come and drink some."

Xue TingRang took a few sips and then laid down on the kang again. At this time, Zhou shi also finished cleaning up the puddle of filth, and said to Zhao'er: "He probably will vomit in the middle of the night. I'll go and cook porridge on the stove later. If he gets hungry, he can eat some."

At this time, Sun shi also walked in from outside, holding a small bowl in her hand.

"Come here, this thing is good for a hangover. Your uncle usually drinks too much, and with one on his tongue, it's better than anything."

There were a few sour plums in a small bowl, which are pickled at home, and you can smell a sour smell from a long distance.

"There is no seed in it, so he will not choke. This came from my mother's house and is very good for hangovers."

"Thank you, third aunt and fourth aunt. Sorry to trouble you."

"What's the trouble? If you're done, you should rest early. You can just call when something happens."

After seeing Zhou shi and Sun shi out, Zhao'er looked back at the little man and found that his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to be asleep.

She shook her head helplessly, dumped the dirty water in the basin, and went to the stove to make a pot of hot water and come back to freshen up.

After busying for so long, she was in a hot sweat. In addition to cooking before, she was covered with oil fume, and Zhaoer planned to wipe her body.

According to habit, she should go to the bathroom in the vegetable plot behind. But the little man was so drunk, she didn't dare to go far. Thinking that he was asleep, she did not evade anything, so she took off her clothes and wiped her back in front of the basin.

She only wore a pair of thin trousers, with a dudou on her upper body, showing a tight and smooth back and a slender but strong waist.

Zhao'er likes being clean. If it weren't forbidden at this moment, she should have taken a bath, so she was very serious about scrubbing. After she wiped off her upper body, head and face, she was about to change the pot of hot water, but found that the man on the kang, when she had not noticed, had changed his posture and turned onto his side facing her with his eyes open.

She subconsciously picked up the shirt next to her to block it, and asked, "When did you wake up?"

The person on the kang didn't speak, his eyes were dumbfounded, and suddenly he rolled over again and turned away. Zhao'er breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the little man was drunk, and he was probably dizzy right now. She felt a little awkward, and didn't wash anymore. She took the hot towel and went behind the curtain, wiped casually, and hurriedly put on clean clothes.

After a while, she opened the door and poured out the dirty water. Now that the weather is hot, Heizi doesn't want to sleep in the house, so Zhaoer ignored it and bolted the door.

Originally she planned to turn off the lights, but thinking that he would have to vomit in the middle of the night, she left some candle light on. The lights in the room became extremely dim, and Zhaoer got on the kang.

She leaned over to look at him, his eyes closed again, and he was a little hot, but it was not too serious. Zhao'er was about to withdraw her hand when shen was suddenly hugged by someone, and the little man with his eyes closed mumbled something.

"What are you talking about?"

She listened carefully, and then heard, “Zhaoer, I feel uncomfortable”.

"You still drink when you're uncomfortable!" Zhao'er scolded with a smile.

He murmured again, and when Zhao’er leaned closer, she heard.

"Brother Jiang Wu said that a man needs to know how to drink, I am your man... I can't lose to him..."

After listening, Zhao'er was stunned. After a while, she looked at him with a complicated expression, and then reached out to touch the little man's pink face in the light.

"It is up to me to say if you are a man, not him," she murmured in a low voice.

Xue TingRang didn't answer the conversation either, he seemed to be very drunk, voicing his discomfort, and tightly tugging at her. When Zhao'er went to rub his chest, he turned over and pulled Zhao'er into the bed.

After that, there was no more movement. Zhao'er wanted to withdraw from his arms, but tried a few times to no avail, so she could only do this. After a while, she fell asleep in a daze.

When she woke up again, she was awakened by a sudden movement.

Zhao'er didn't know what time it was, the candle flame in the room was extinguished, and she was half under her body by a person. This person is extremely dishonest, while murmuring his discomfort he was rubbing and tossing over her body.

"Zhaoer, I feel uncomfortable..."

"Where are you uncomfortable? Can I make you some porridge to drink?"

He didn't answer. His eyes were closed tightly, just rubbing his head and face on her.

"Where are you uncomfortable?"

"Why is your body so hot?"

Zhao'er was about to sit up, but she was pulled down again.

"Zhao’er, I feel uncomfortable."

"Where is it uncomfortable?"

"Here here..." He murmured in his mouth, and took her hand to cover somewhere.

Under the fabric, Zhao’er could feel it was hard and hot. She didn't realize what it was, until he subconsciously rubbed her palm back and forth, and she thought about it for a while before she understood what it was.

How could it be so big! And so hard!

Zhao'er was thinking very slowly in her mind with an almost horrified mood. At this moment, her brain was like paste, but somehow she remembered what Heizi looked like when he was in heat...

Every year at the turn of spring and summer, Heizi is particularly active. He usually looks high and arrogant and doesn't pay much attention to the dogs in the village. But at this time, he seemed to know where all the female dogs in the village were.

At this time, Zhao'er rarely sees Heizi at home, and Heizi can always go out for a long time before returning. Zhao'er was puzzled, and once she specifically took advantage of Heizi to follow behind when he was out, and saw many weird situations that she would normally not see on Heizi.

For example, Heizi is very persistent. He has a big yellow dog. And the owner of the other's house didn't seem to want the dog to give birth, so he kept his dog in the yard. It can squat in front of someone's house for a long time, and wait until the other person comes out. If it can't wait, it will go around the yard looking for holes to go in, and it will always go in and make a good performance.

Another example...

Zhao'er blushed, and she didn't know why she thought of this. Is this the little man in heat? She counts the days in her heart, and found that Heizi is almost in estrus season, but she has never heard that people also go into heat!

Somehow, she remembered that when she was young, she and the little man slept in the room, while Xue Qingsong and Qiu shi slept in the outer room, and she was awakened several times in the middle of the night...

The man's growl, and the woman's painful groan, interweave a very vague image.

At first she thought it was her father who beat her mother, but the next day when she asked her mother, her mother’s white face was flushed, and she whispered that Zhao’er was not allowed to ask about it again, saying that a little girl could not ask about it.

Her thoughts were pulled back, and the thing under her palms became warmer and seemed to expand a lot. The little man seemed to have found a rhythm, and this rhythm seemed to make him very comfortable, and he finally stopped crying out his discomfort.

But at this moment, Zhao’er became uncomfortable. An indescribable feeling arose. The thing was swelling and hot and seemed to shoot out something like lava...

Xue TingRang fell asleep again, Zhao'er was finally relieved.

She carefully pulled her hands and feet away, sat up, and was stunned for a while before she got off the kang like she was waking up from a dream.

The water in the basin was already cold, and it was quiet everywhere. She soaked her hands in the basin for a long time before starting to scrub it. After scrubbing it a lot, she took some soap and scrubbed it until the temperature on her hands faded.

She reached out and touched her face. Her hands were not hot now, but the heat on her face did not fade.

Zhao'er stood for a long time, until the night's chill was so cold that she couldn't help trembling, and then hurriedly went to the kang. But she stayed far away from the person over there, and the night was silent.

The next day, Xue TingRang woke up without seeing Zhao'er, and only after asking did he know she had gone to town.

And the dirtied trousers that Xue TingRang changed out of took Zhaoer many days to wash.