Chapter 9 - Getting Help

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The next day, rumors about Han Aiguo’s broken engagement spread throughout the village. Everyone was talking about it while working.

A woman not far from Su Yue was chatting with a few people as she worked, “I heard there was a lot of noise in the Han family yesterday. The old lady of the Han family almost got into a fight with the old lady of the Wang family.”

Another woman next to her said: "No, old lady Han was at a disadvantage but still had to fight them with all her might. But we can't blame her, the Wang family is too much. As soon as they saw the groom had hurt his leg they backed out from the engagement. They are not afraid of people talking about them."

Someone said: "You should think from the perspective of the Wang family. They are also thinking for their daughter. Han Aiguo used to be a good target with his high allowance from the army, but now things are different. I heard that he saw many doctors in the provincial capital and they all said that he can't be cured. It may sound unpleasant, but he will be disabled in the future. Who is willing to marry their girl to a disabled man? Isn't this pushing the girl into the fire pit?"

Several people echoed this statement, "It's true. If it's my daughter, I wouldn’t want her to marry such a person."

"Who would? Although the Wang family is not kind, Han Aiguo can only blame his bad luck. A good man becoming disabled... His bright future is ruined."

"I see, when the eldest of the Han family wants to get married, it will be hard. He is already in his twenties, and now with his crippled legs he won't be able to make money to support his family. No girl would dare to marry him."

"Yeah, yeah. You know, in the future, he can only count on the old lady Han to support him, but I don't know if her other three sons won’t have any opinions."

"There will definitely be opinions. Even if the three Han brothers have no opinion, their wives must have it. Who can stand their uncle eating plain rice at home."

"Heh, It won't be long before we see this Han family separate."

Su Yue's brows gradually wrinkled as she heard everyone talking like this. She was originally happy about Han Aiguo's broken engagement, but now with so many people talking about him as a useless crippled man, she became angry. That man was a hero. He came back from the battlefield with an injury, this shouldn't be the result.

The more Su Yue thought about it, the more unhappy she became. She called the system in her mind: "System, can Han Aiguo's legs really be cured?"

System: “Yes. There is a cure for this kind of leg injury in the system mall. After long-term use, it will slowly recover. The host need not worry.”

"How many points do I have to exchange for it?"

System: “The host must find out by herself when she visits the mall.”

Su Yue sighed helplessly, thinking about her current 14 points. She didn't even have the qualifications to enter the system mall, let alone get the prescription for treating his legs. She estimated that such an important prescription would require at least several hundred points. Her current "financial resources" were just a drop in the bucket.

No, she had to work hard to earn points and enter the mall as soon as possible. Then save enough points to buy the prescription.

After she got off work, Su Yue couldn't wait to get into the kitchen. She planned on making some mooncakes.

The Mid-Autumn Festival was coming soon, and all families, poor or rich, would bring home some mooncakes to taste. Although they were sold in the supply station, the price was too high and flavors too few, not to mention they didn’t necessarily taste good.

But the ones made by her were different. They were definitely miles away from the mooncakes of the supply station in terms of taste.

She bought a lot of flour and red beans from the market last time, and there were still sesame seeds at home. She could make red bean mooncakes and black sesame mooncakes.

Before doing it, Su Yue approached Li Xiaoqing and told her about her plan.

Li Xiaoqing knew the steamed cake made by Su Yue had earned money last time, and was very confident about her craftsmanship. She just told her to be careful when selling it, after all, the situation was not very clear right now.

Su Yue said: "Sister Xiaoqing, don't worry. I only sell them in private. Even if someone sees it I’ll just explain it’s something I made to a friend for the holidays. No one can say anything."

Li Xiaoqing thought about it, and said: "Then I will support you and help you with the fire."

Su Yue grabbed her hand, explaining why she came looking for her today, "Sister Xiaoqing, I want you to help me in the future. I will give you 20% of the profit."

"Twenty percent? No way, no way. I don’t know anything, I can only make a fire for you, how can I ask for your money."

Li Xiaoqing refused, but Su Yue said, "Sister Xiaoqing, you have also seen that I can't do anything by myself. I can't do anything without you but I feel bad asking for your help every time. That’s why I want us to cooperate, so don’t be silly and accept it. I’ll be embarrassed to ask you to work if you don’t accept it."

Li Xiaoqing thought for a while, finally laughed, and nodded: "Thank you Su Yue, I will definitely help you. Just tell me what you want me to do."

Li Xiaoqing had been struggling without any money left, so she knew that Su Yue was helping her. Feeling more grateful in her heart, she vowed to help her as best she could.

The two reached an agreement and Su Yue started to cook. First she put the already soaked red beans in a pot to boil them. After they were soft, she smashed them, added oil and brown sugar and then put the mixture in the pot to cook on low heat. After done, let it cool for later use.

After the red bean filling was prepared, Su Yue took out the sesame seeds and prepared a large pot of sesame filling according to her own method.

After the fillings were prepared, Su Yue began to knead the dough and make the mooncakes.

Making mooncakes was harder than making pastries. Su Yue and Li Xiaoqing were busy in the kitchen for most of the day. It wasn’t until the moon reached the middle of the sky that they were finally done.

The other three people knew that Su Yue’s food was unique, so they purposefully didn't go watch. It was not for lack of curiosity, but that they were afraid of offending Su Yue and ending up without anything delicious to eat. Anyway, they were self-aware. Even if they put Su Yue’s whole process under a microscope, they still wouldn’t have the ability to make such delicious things. Why bother watching it?

Now they all knew that Su Yue’s craftsmanship was good and she was very generous. Every time she made something good they could get a bite, so life was very good these days. What everyone looked forward to the most was Su Yue going to the kitchen. Therefore, everyone wanted to have a good relationship with Su Yue. Even Wei Jia, who hated the original owner the most, didn’t want to get on her bad side.

That’s why even if Su Yue was in the kitchen, no one would come bother her. She was very satisfied with this situation.

Su Yue also lived up to everyone's expectations. On the breakfast table the next day, a plate of brightly colored and attractive mooncakes was waiting.

Everyone's eyes looked straight at it, one after another exclaiming in amazement.

Su Yue assigned one to each person, and they started eating as soon as they got it. After the first bite, Su Yue was showered in countless thumbs up to express their admiration.

At this time, the system's voice sounded again unexpectedly: “Congratulations to the host, the mooncakes were rated as C-level by the system. Ten points acquired.”

With the sound of the system, the number of points in Su Yue's mind changed again, from 14 to 24.

Su Yue's eyes widened in surprise, overjoyed.

Twenty four! Her points finally exceeded twenty! She could enter the mall!

The system promptly asked: “Will the host enter the mall now?”

Su Yue calmed down a bit and shook her head, "Not now, I'm going to work soon. I'll see it at night."

The mall wouldn’t run anyway.

System: “Okay.”

After breakfast, everyone went to work together.

Li Xiaoqing found an excuse to be a step behind walking with Su Yue, and said to Su Yue with a sad look: "Su Yue, I was thinking about it, and although we can make things, selling them is a problem. As educated youths we have to go to work every day, how can we run to town whenever we feel like it? If you always ask for leave, the captain and party secretary will not approve it, but now that the weather is hot, if we stall for too long the food will rot."

Su Yue had thought about this a long time ago. It would definitely not work if they relied only on two educated youths. They have to go to work every day to earn work points, which neither of them could do without. For things like collecting ingredients and delivering food, they were simply too busy.

Therefore, they really had to find someone to help.

And this person could not be an educated youth. It was better to be a local.

Li Xiaoqing wrinkled her face, sad, "But we are not familiar with the people here, who can we ask? Will they even be willing to help?"

"I will also share the profit with the person who helps, so finding someone shouldn't be a problem. The key is to find someone reliable." Otherwise, it wouldn’t be finding help, but digging a pit for themselves.

"Then who do you want to ask?"

Su Yue pondered, and said: "Sister Xiaoqing, I'll say I'm sick later, then go back and think of a way."

Li Xiaoqing agreed.

Su Yue took a leave of absence due to physical discomfort, went home, grabbed a few mooncakes, and sneaked to Han Aiguo’s house.

At this point, all the adults had gone to work, and the children had also gone out to play. Han Aiguo should be alone at home.

Su Yue looked in from the gate. This time she didn't see Han Aiguo weaving bamboo baskets in the yard. Everything was quiet.

Su Yue raised her foot and walked in, standing in the yard and shouting, "Is anyone home?"

"Who is it?" Han Aiguo opened the window and saw the slim girl standing in the courtyard at a glance.

Su Yue smiled sweetly at him, "Big brother Han, it's me."

Han Aiguo paused for a moment, then came out of the room with the crutch knocking on the ground, making a "dongdongdong" sound.

He walked in front of her and asked in a flat voice: "What's the matter?"

Su Yue didn't care about his cold face, still smiling brightly, "Big brother Han, I want to ask you for a favor, are you free now?"

Han Aiguo paused and nodded.

Su Yue took out the mooncake and said, "Look, big brother Han, this is the mooncake I made. You try it."

Two small snow-white palms, with two crystal clear mooncakes in the middle. He didn’t know which one looked better.

Han Aiguo looked away and shook his head, "Just say it, I'll help if I can help. No need to bring anything. You already brought the steamed cake last time."

It was the first time she had heard him say so much. Su Yue was happy in her heart, tilted her head with a smile and asked, "Then big brother Han, was the cake I made delicious?"

Han Aiguo was very uncomfortable. He lowered his gaze without looking at her. After a long while, he nodded and said honestly: "It was delicious."

Su Yue held the moon cake in her hand a little closer, "Big brother Han, in fact, the reason why I asked you for help is related to this mooncake. I made mooncakes and wanted to go to town to sell them for some money, but I have to work. There is no time at all, and I take too long walking back and forth, so it’s not convenient to do anything. That’s why I wanted to find someone to help me and share the profit with them, but I don’t know the people here. So I wanted to ask, could you recommend someone reliable? You must be familiar with the people in the village."

Han Aiguo quietly listened to her until she finished talking, then looked at her in the eyes with doubt, "Why are you asking me?"

T/N: Turns out making mooncakes is a bit more complicated, but no surprise there. I do however want to know how Su Yue makes them pretty without the stamp thingy? There are english subtitles btw.