Chapter 31

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Truthfully, Gu Zixing’s head operated in an unexpected way.

Speaking about that awkward position earlier, although theoretically there was a chance for Qiao Yanzhou to hook the enemy jungler, it required extremely careful positioning and accurate manipulations. If it was Yao Le who did this, Gu Zixing would not be surprised at all, but he didn't think that Qiao Yanzhou could unexpectedly do something like this too.

It looks like the torture Gu Zixing put Qiao Yanzhou through the past few nights was showing some use. En, seems like he could continue with it in the future.

“Go grab the enemy jungler’s golems ba. The bot lane recalled and did not put down a ward.” Gu Zixing said that to their jungle spider, but as he talked he also turned his head to look at Qi Chen who got pushed top lane.

Although Gu Zixing and Qi Chen had played the game together many times, you could count on one hand the number of times Qi Chen played top lane. Qi Chen didn’t feel like playing top. One was because the lane was far, the other was because he felt that cs'ing was too troublesome.

According to what Coach Chen said about this defect: A wild wolf won’t eat the meat of a dead child because it’s too used to the taste of living people (1).

Old story about a wolf who refuses to eat dead children because it was too used to the taste of living humans. Basically saying that Qi Chen is too used to jungling so he doesn't like to cs.

But even if it was like this, in the end he experienced the professional league for many years and the base foundation was still there. There was a phrase that said: Even if you don’t eat pork, you’ve still seen a pig run.

But looking at Qi Chen’s current situation, not only has he not seen a pig run, he didn’t even know what a pig is.

At the moment the person facing Qi Chen was a girl who also happened to be pretty good looking. Wasn’t sure if this was a honey trap from WG because if it was then it seemed like their plan was very successful.

“Hit her ah. Just now a QA would have done it.” Yao Le took advantage of a gap and shot a glance at Qi Chen’s screen and discovered that Qi Chen let the enemy female walk away with a thread of hp again. This was at least the second time already which caused Yao Le to be so angry he threw his mouse down.

“Aiya, she’s trying so hard, why do you need to be so ruthless? Just be a bit more friendly, ok?”

“Wait for when Coach Chen punishes you with push ups and makes you sweep the bathroom, then you’ll wish he was just as friendly.” Yao Le couldn’t help but coldly snort, turning his head back around.

Qi Chen smiled, “It’s called Death from the Peony Flower.”(2)

'Death from a peony flower, becoming a ghost is also romantic.' Basically saying that dying for a women is still a worthy achievement. Seen as very poetic and romantic.

“You missed the cannon minion.”

“Becoming a ghost is…. F*ck?!”

“Impressive,” Gu Zixing did not suppress his amusement to the side, “Whoever hates you deeply enough to become a ghost still needs to be f*cked by you.”

But Qi Chjen simply didn't even pay attention to Gu Zixing. Seeing that he missed the cannon minion, his soul hurt. Especially because it was during a competition, that missing cannon minion was worse than missing out on a thousand yuan. The depth of his sorrow was similar to when he lost his red buff as the jungler.

“How come you didn't remind me earlier!”

“I only command, I’m also not your mom who needs to remind you of everything.” Gu Zixing raised his eyebrow. “Even though the enemy top laner wasn't there you still miss the cannon minion, what skill.”


Qi Chen got angry ah. He let go of the top lane earlier because in the end, the cannon minion had a better profit than a kill.

“See if you still let kills get away.” Yao Le also muttered.

“Won’t let them go, won't let go, won’t let go anymore.”

Qi Chen sighed. In previous SPLs, besides Coach Chen, only Gu Zixing would nag him on the team. Although his mouth was poisonous, after all it was only him. Qi Chen could only reluctantly bear it, but how come Yao Le also started! This was actually not a good omen.

“Jungler should have gone bot again, you two be careful.”

Qi Chen continued to farm and also adjusted his mental. Afterall, the jungler for WG is Wolf. Qi Chen fought against him the most so he was able to guess his normal jungle pattern.

“Stall bot lane, I’ll immediately come over..” EG’s jungle spider said this and already arrived near the bottom river.

It was at this time, a crisp and clean sound suddenly arrived to Gu Zixing’s ears. Qiao Yanzhou reached level 10.

“Don’t put a point into your skill yet…” Just when Qiao Yanzhou was about to upgrade his skills Gu Zixing spoke this phrase.

“Wait for the jungler to arrive then flash at them, hook the ADC and upgrade your skill. Let’s see who has the faster hand speed between you and the ADC.”

Qiao Yanzhou understood. Gu Zixing meant that he wanted him to wait it out a bit before upgrading his skill, this way it would mislead the enemy bot laners to think that they were on the same level.  This way they would not be too scared to hide behind the minion wave.

But if Qiao Yanzhou upgraded his ability, the pressure would increase on the enemy laners. .

But Qiao Yanzhou needed to flash, level up, use skills, and fight with hand speed at the same time.

For the first time Qiao Yanzhou felt that his task was very difficult.

Their jungler quickly made it bot. The enemy jungler Wolf should also probably be hovering around bot side.

The situation instantly turned very tense.

“There’s a ward in the bush, go around from behind in the tri-bush. Xiao Qiao, in a moment don't forget to throw the lantern next to the jungler.”

“Eh ok”

The jungler heard his command, pretended that he couldn't find an opportunity in the bot lane and turned around to leave, but in fact was actually just stealthily sneaking around behind them.

Qiao Yanzhou swayed between the minions twice before he saw an opportunity and flashed in front of the ADC’s face. When WG’s ADC saw this he used his movement displacement ability, but his feet didn't even touch the ground yet when he was hooked back into the original position by Qiao Yanzhou. At the same time, Qiao Yanzhou quickly pressed Ctrl E to level up his skill. An adc was trapped within, but the support on the side used a thorny vine to also root Qiao Yanzhou in place.

Qiao Yanzhou quickly threw a lantern out, the jungle spider seeing the lantern clicked on it and instantly arrived by Qiao Yanzhou. At the same time the enemy jungler leaped out from the bush.

Qiao Yanzhou immediately made a decision and used his R skill to trap the ADC and jungler within, but didn’t expect the enemy support’s R to also bloom under their feet.

During that fleeting moment, Gu Zixing was already far off and pulled out his gun. Qiao Yanzhou also lost a lot of HP from the Q skill from the ADC.

Qiao Yanzhou hoped that their jungler could save him but as luck would have it, their spider jungler was cc'd by the enemy jungler Wolf.

Jhin’s R ability had a very long range. He watched as the champion knelt down on one knee and pulled out a long gun to shoot at the enemy ADC trapped in Qiao Yanzhou’s R skill. One shot, two shots, three shots.

Watching as Gu Zixing hit the enemy ADC into a sliver of HP, with one more shot he could take the head of the enemy. At this point, WG’s ADC was powerless to reverse the situation.

But in that split second, WG’s ADC flashed right next to one of Elise's Spiderlings, in doing so it let the little spiderling attack him.

An enemy has been slain!

“No!!! My spiderling was clearly following me just now!” The jungler all of sudden panicked. What did he just do? He just ks’ed the Great God Gu Zixing!!! This was like having the Great God carry you, but then you just slapped him in the face.

And then you also spit.

“This…” Qiao Yanzhou was also embarrassed.

Gu Zixing didn’t say anything, after his champion used his last show, he simply put away his gun and silently went back to base.

On the side, Qi Chen was hunched over in laughter, laughing for so long his hand was trembling. His champion was even swaying.

Qi Chen was so happy that it made the jungler even more panicked. He hurried to twist his head to look at Gu Zixing, only to find him still as calm as ever without a single reaction.

“Stop laughing, I know I messed up…”

Despite this, the little angel jungler had a face full of guilt. He actually wanted Gu Zixing to yell at him, otherwise this kind of silent feeling was very terrifying.

“You still don't understand ma!” Qi Chen laughed for a long time before speaking, “WG’s ADC purposely flashed towards your spider to explode and kill so Gu Zixing wouldn’t get the kill”


Having been called out, Gu Zixing lifted his head to glance at Qi Chen. “If you don’t speak people won’t know that you're dumb.”

Qi Chen laughed even more .

Although Gu Zixing was targeted throughout the whole game, it also made room for the other lanes to develop.

During their last fight, WG was pushed into their base to defend. Since WG was not far from their base, they could run back to replenish themselves to face an attack, but at that time both Qiao Yanzhou and Gu Zixing’s health was dangerously low.

After Wolf came out of the fountain, he quickly saw that Gu Zixing's state was not very good. He was thinking about jumping onto his face when in an instant, he discovered he was hooked by that annoying Qiao Yanzhou.

But Qiao Yanzhou’s health was unable to bear the jump skill from Wolf. Hooking Wolf so close to him, he was reduced to nothing in a matter of seconds. As he was facing death he quickly pressed the R key and could let his hands leave the keyboard.

Qiao Yanzhou’s loyal saving action won the cheers of the crowd in an instant. Despite this he didn’t dare to be negligent as his eyes closely stared at his screen. Whether they were able to win or not depended on this fight!

But Gu Zixing merely sent out a few steady bullets to the jungler trapped in Qiao Yanzhou’s R. Cooperating with Yao Le’s magic damage, he took away Wolf’s life instantly.

Qi Chen originally would be able to do lots of damage, and after his epiphany he stopped letting the girl in the top lane go free. In the later stages of the game, she was the one who was most behind in the team.

And Yao Le had broken the midlaner to pieces during the game.

So because of the above situations, it was already determined that EG would win this competition. Only the suffering Gu Zixing, being targeted by the enemy simply exploded.

The game took about 30 minutes. In this half an hour QiaoYanzhou felt like he was in a dream, even until WG’s nexus exploded in front of him he didn't react to their win.

Eh, turns out that competing with pro players felt like this ah

“Very amazing ne Xiao Qiao.” Gu Zixing stared at Qiao Yanzhou, who was stupidly sitting there, and laughed. He pulled him up from his seat and went with the other team members to shake hands one by one with WG.

This was the first time Qiao Yanzhou actually touched limbs with another professional player.

Actually if you pay careful attention, the hands between a pro player and an average person were not that different ma. Just now during the competition, Qiao Yanzhou also paid special attention to Gu Zixing’s hand.

Besides the fact that compared to a normal person, his fingers were slightly longer, slighter more pale, joints were more clear, and veins protruded a bit more, there wasn't that much of a difference. It was as skinny as a chicken claw.

Because the time was still early, the audience’s enthusiasm still hadn't died down so the competition host and the two organizations negotiated to add another competition.

Qiao Yanzhou and them hurried to bow and left the stage. Before getting off the stage, Gu Zixing sneakily dragged and leaned close to his ear full of mischief and said this phrase, “Clean yourself at night and wait for me.”

Qiao Yanzhou already didn't know how many times he was taken advantage of like a woman by Gu Zixing. Although he already knew Gu Zixing asked him to call him after the events today when he gave him the tickets,  Qiao Yanzhou still felt that it was a bit embarrassing.

He was really itching to take a microphone to Gu Zixing’s mouth to expose to everyone this perverted sex fiend’s ugly face. But Gu Zixing’s voice was very light and the range was very small. Even if there were tons of people on the stage, no one would pay attention to those two.

Qiao Yanzhou got off the stage and thought he could finally feel a moment of peace, but he didn't think that this matter would still not be finished.

His Wechat, Weibo, QQ room, and his phone text messages were being bombarded. In this short 30 minute period, familiar or not all, these people wormed their way to try and be friends with him. He didn’t even need to guess to know that it was Liang Dong and Zhao Lingling’s blabbermouths.

Seeing Qiao Yanzhou walk over, Liang Dong eagerly seemed as though he was ready to roll out a red carpet and toss flowers in the air.

“Brother Zhou you’re amazing ah! I saw that you and God Gu on stage were exchanging flirtatious glances at each other!”

“Brother Zhou Brother Zhou! I finally believe that this ticket was given to you by God Gu!”

“Brother Zhou, let me tell you! Your Thresh just now was really good! Maybe in a moment the coach of EG will come and drag you away to be on their team!”

If it was only these two people then it was ok, but even all the people sitting around him began to ask him questions.

Qiao Yanzhou suddenly felt like his melon seed brain was buzzing.

Just when Qiao Yanzhou felt so dizzy he was going to pass out, what was said on the stage saved his life.

“Ok, just announced EG’s lineup for the second game!”

Hearing this, Qiao Yanzhou and everyone else at the event lifted their heads to look at the screen.

Top lane: Yao Le

Mid lane: Shen Qi (audience member)

Jungler: Yang Ling (Audience member)

Bot lane: Gu Zixing

Support: Qi Chen

Ah ah ah? Qi Chen and Gu Zixing are going bot together?” Qiao Yanzhou rubbed his eyes. Confirming that he didn’t read it wrong, couldn't help but smack his lips.

“F*ck, this is going to be exciting.”
