[NW] Baobei Baobei Chapter 7

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“But I’m a traditional man, and I support the practice of having a harem.”

This brat was obvious in need of a beating, he loved to go overboard teasing his sister.

Hence, he got what he deserved. The Hummer started to drive off course, and it was until Xia Tian had pleaded that he was still driving that Baobei stopped her punishment.

During the meal, Baobei devoured her food, while deep in thought on whether it was time to introduce a girlfriend for Xia Tian. Instead of letting him recklessly play around, it might be better if she could introduce a good girl for him, so that he could quickly settle down.

Hmm.. Should she introduce Jiahui or Xiaoxi? Given Xia Tian’s good looks, Xiaoxi might be more compatible. However, when she tried to imagine Xiaoxi joining their family, and how she might act like a hooligan in front of her strict grandfather, she immediately gave up on the idea.

“Xia Tian, what type of girls do you like?” Baobei asked.

“What, are you thinking of introducing someone to me?”

“Just tell me your type first.”

“Sister, just a few days back, third brother Liu from our dorm said, a good woman embodies the following: she can act cute, yet also act silly. She can play the role of the loli, yet also that of a queen. She’ll show how silly she can be, and blush when she does that. She can pretend to be innocent, yet be intense too. She can carry off a sailor’s outfit, yet can also brandish a leather whip. She can listen to concerts, and eat at roadside stalls. If I were to insult her, she’s able to refute me; if I’m indifferent towards her, she’ll be black-bellied. She can scold those shameless young men, and hide from those perverted uncles!” Xia Tian said excitedly.

Baobei let out a heavy sigh, knowing that he was just playing along and probably wasn’t interested in a relationship yet.

“Sister, don’t worry about me. I am a principled person; there won’t be a day when some unknown person would bring a child and call you ‘Second Aunt’”. Xia Tian flashed his signature grin.

“Stop acting flippant!” Baobei drank a mouthful of the ginseng soup that Xia Tian had bought from the Hong Kong-style traditional soup shop next door. That said, if the elders were to see her pale pallor and her skinny frame when they returned to S City for the holidays, he would be blamed for not taking good care of her, and would be punished. Moreover, the combination of a traditional soup with Japanese cuisine was indeed a refreshing pairing.

“Oh yes, Xia Tian, I heard that the pretty Wen Zhoujun from your faculty is pursuing you?” Baobei had heard about this from her roommates. Rumours about the school’s belles and hunks always formed the bulk of gossip fodder in university dorms.

“Not you too! You should have seen how thick her make-up is!” Xia Tian immediately rejected the idea.

“No way, she’s known to be a beauty. Besides, she must really have some merits, otherwise she wouldn’t have been chosen as the belle of the Business School!” Baobei retorted.

“Xia Baobei, you need to understand what make-up does. If you only applied make-up, I should be able to recognise you even after the make-up is removed. But if I’m unable to recognise you after you removed your make-up, that’s called a disguise. Besides, I have a preference for natural beauties.” Xia Tian sneered.

What an exaggeration! Baobei naturally knew that her brother was trying to make her happy, and uncontrollably snorted a laugh.

“Besides, there are three great beauties in the family that I can look at anytime I like at home, so I’ve long been immune to other beauties!”

No one could reject a compliment, and Beobei was no different. She was elated to hear the compliment from her brother.

“Three great beauties? Are you joking around? I’m so unpopular in school.” What she meant implicitly, was that Xia Tian should continue with his compliments!

Xia Tian laughed. “Sister, are you trying to make me round up your admirers?”

“I don’t even have any admirers”, Baobei sounded dejected.

“There were, but I’ve disposed of them”. He was proud of his actions.

Baobei frowned. “Who did you dispose of?”

“Of course it’s those fearless idiots who wanted to pursue you! They should take a mirror and see their reflection, how dare they go after the sister of the great Xia Tian!” Following his proud proclamation, he realised he had shot his own foot, as he saw his sister’s eyes narrow. He started perspiring profusely.

“Sister! Don’t blame me for this! It’s just that these people were totally unreliable, and not worthy of you! I’m just looking out for you! If there’s any good ones, I’ll immediately tie him up and send it to Your Majesty’s bed!”

“What nonsense are you spouting!” She wanted to beat Xia Tian up, but soon realised that she wasn’t as angry. No matter what, he only wanted to protect her.

“Oh right.” Baobei put down her chopsticks, her expression complicated. She rubbed her thighs and finally asked, “Do you remember Brother Moxiu, our neighbour when we lived in the United States?”

“Of course. Isn’t he back already?”. Xia Tian also put his chopsticks down, trying to understand where his sister was coming from.

“You knew?” Surprise followed.

“I was always in contact with Brother Moxiu and Brother Mojie”. Xia Tian explained. He then gave an evil grin, “Oh, and Brother Moxiu always asked about how you were”.

“He asked about me? Why would he ask about me?” Baobei tucked her hair behind her ear, her expression awkward. She couldn’t hide that innocently shy expression from her face.

Xia Tian was overjoyed.

“Of course he’s interested in you, that’s why he asked”.

Baobei choked on her saliva.

“Sister, don’t blame me for not telling you earlier. I’ve long wanted to tell you, but Brother Moxiu did not let me as he wanted to tell you personally. He’s right though, such things should be said face to face. I think only he’s suitable to become my second brother-in-law. That said, Brother Moxiu really acted quickly, he’s only been back a few days, but he’d already sought you out.” Xia Tian was unusually gossipy. “Has he said anything to you?”

“No!” Baobei denied flatly. “He didn’t say anything to me”.

Baobei said worriedly, “It’s strange. In my mind, he’s only the big brother from next door”.

“What’s the big deal?” Xia Tian picked up his chopsticks and continued eating, without any pressure. “Since ancient times, childhood sweethearts would always play together, until such a time when they play all the way to bed.”

This wretched Xia Tian! When paying the bill, he realised that he had forgotten his wallet, and shamelessly freeloaded off his sister. Baobei felt like crying. She had only chosen to spend recklessly at this expensive restaurant because Xia Tian offered to treat her. She even loosened her belt and feasted!

Too shameless!

Totally shameless!

On the ride back, Baobei hugged her empty wallet, on the verge of tears.

“A man’s best friend is always his wallet. Once he becomes skinny, I’ll be heartbroken”.

Baobei returned to the sight of three rare treasures in the dorm.

Shi Xiaoxi was in a set of thick, red pyjamas, her hair in a mess, and was hanging her laundry on the balcony.

“Aye, why are you climbing so high up?”

Jiahui glanced at the balcony. “That idiot was trying to chase the birds off the tree, and tried to use the poles as a spear!”

“You have to describe those birds! They were chirping so loudly that they disrupted my afternoon nap!” Shi Xiaoxi protested.

“My dear lady, please be careful, this is the fourth floor!” If she fell, she would truly be dead Xiaoxi. [1]

“Baobei, only you would care about me!” Shi Xiaoxi was looking for trouble. “If I fell from here…”

Baobei placed her bag on the chair and removed her gloves. “Don’t worry, we’ll help you hang your laundry.”

Jiahui burst out laughing. As usual, Xia Baobei’s words would catch them unawares. She should also try emulating her one day, to see if making such unpredictable remarks would be fun.

“Oh yes, where will the Law of Obligations class be held tonight?” Fang Jie asked.

“Right, where will it be? Bring us along!” Jiahui chimed.

“At the lecture hall”. Baobei took out the Law of Obligations textbook that she obtained from her brother-in-law’s study. This elective had no compulsory readings, but since she had chosen the class, then she should pick up the knowledge. She was still conscious about this.

“We’re not bringing you along!” Shi Xiaoxi darted into the room, and closed the door tightly. “You both left me on the balcony alone to die. I won’t bring such heartless friends along!”

“Sure! I was asking Baobei to let us tag along, not you. You can sit alone far away from us, while the three of us can sit together. Heartless students like us will definitely isolate you!” Jiahui said.

“+10086! [2]  Shi Xiaoxi, you better stay away from us! I’m more worried that you will display your stupidity for all to see in class, causing us embarrassment!” Fang Jie added.

“...” Shi Xiaoxi looked at the two girls angrily, then looked at Baobei, who was trying to stay out of the situation, and screamed, “You are all ganging up on me!”

She then ran over and hugged Jiahui’s arm. “Don’t you dream of ditching me! Don’t even think of it!”

“Shi Xiaoxi, you are my sun! Can you please stay 92955886.7km away from me! Thank you!” Jiahui played along.

As she saw how Shi Xiaoxi and Jiahui were joking around, Fang Jie massaged her temples, pretending to be deep in thought. “Look at this. Someone who is full of artistic flair like Lu Ran is probably from the heavens, the normal ones like are from the human world, but someone like Shi Xiaoxi …”

Baobei’s eyes left the textbook, as she sighed, “She probably came from the nether world…”

[1] Word play on Xiaoxi’s name - 石 (Shi) 小希 (Xiaoxi) vs. 死小希 (si, i.e. dead) Xiaoxi

[2] Internet slang for agreeing with the originator of an internet post.