For Some Reason, the School Goddess Likes to Hang Out at My House
Day after day, Tokiwagi Towa spends all of his time toiling at his part-time job. His life was far from fulfilling. One day, by a strange coincidence, he gets involved with Wakamiya Rin, a beauty who was the most popular girl in his school. They weren't supposed to have anything to do with each other. And yet, this is how these two people gradually come to a compromise with each other's differences.
Chapter 1 - The Meeting of The Goddess and The D-Group Boy (リア神とDグループの出会い)
Chapter 2 - The Goddess' Awaiting (リア神の出待ち)
Chapter 3 - The Goddess Wants to Repay the Favor (リア神は恩を返したい)
Chapter 4 - The Goddess is Surprisingly Careless (リア神は意外とぬけている)
Chapter 5 - The Goddess Has Everything (リア充は全てを持っている)
Chapter 6 - The Goddess is a Glutton (リア神は食いしん坊説)
Chapter 7 - The Goddess Drops Bombs (リア神は爆弾を投下する)
Chapter 8 - The Goddess is Unexpectedly Pushy (リア神は意外と押しが強い)
Chapter 9 - The Goddess is Somewhat Off? (リア神はどこかズレている?)
Chapter 10 - The Goddess' Visit and The Disastrous House (リア神の訪問と家の惨状)
Chapter 11 - Studying with the Social Goddess (リア神との勉強)
Chapter 12 - The Goddess Comes Uninvited (リア神のおしかけ)
Chapter 13 - Apparently, The Goddess Can't Resist Helping a Hopeless Man (リア神はダメ人間を放ってはおけないらしい)
Chapter 14 - The Social Goddess' Wake-up Call (リア神のモーニングコール)
Chapter 15 - Going to the School with the Goddess (リア神と登校)
Chapter 16 - The Sociable Guy Seems to Know Something (リア充野郎にはわかるらしい)
Chapter 17 - The Goddess and The Lunch Box p.1 (リア神とお弁当①)
Chapter 18 - The Goddess and Lunch Box p.2 (リア神とお弁当②)
Chapter 19 - The Goddess Looks Like She Wants to Say Something, but I Avoid Her (リア神は言いたげ、避ける俺)
Chapter 20 - The Goddess' Honest Feelings (リア神と素直な気持ち)
Chapter 21 - The Goddess is Still as Pushy as Usual (リア神は相変わらず押しが強い件について)
Chapter 22 - The Goddess Worries Too Much, but Her Preparations Are Excellent (リア神は心配性で準備がいい)
Chapter 23 - The Goddess is Absorbed in What? (リア神が夢中になるものとは)
Chapter 24 - The Social Goddess is a Good Advisor (リア充は良きアドバイザー)
Chapter 25 - Knowing the Goddess’ Birthday (リア神の誕生日を知るには)
Chapter 26 - Thinking about Gift to the Goddess (リア神へのプレゼントを考える)
Chapter 27 - The Social Goddess is Giving Me a Present (リア神はご褒美をくれるらしい)
Chapter 28 - Review Meeting with Social Goddess (リア神とテストと反省会)
Chapter 29 - The Social Goddess’ Gift (リア神へのプレゼント)
Chapter 30 - The Socially Active Guy’s Visit (リア充の訪問)
Chapter 31 Goddess
Chapter 32 - The Popular Guys, Food Porn, and Gap (リア充と飯テロとギャップ)
Chapter 33 - A Warning from Getting Addicted to the Social Goddess’ Cheeks (リア神の頰は病み付き注意)
Chapter 34 - The Social Goddess' Errand (pt. 1)
Chapter 35 - The Social Goddess' Errand (pt.2)
Chapter 36 - An Image Change to Adjust with the Popular Guys (リア充によるイメチェン)
Chapter 37 - First Date with the Social Goddess pt. 1 (リア神と初デート①)
Chapter 38 - First Date with the Social Goddess pt. 2 (リア神と初デート②)
Chapter 39 - First Date with the Social Goddess pt. 3 (リア神と初デート③)
Chapter 40 - First Date with the Social Goddess pt.4 (リア神と初デート④)
Chapter 41 - First Date with the Social Goddess, last part (リア神と初デート 終)
Chapter 42 - (Side Story) This is the Real Beginning (これが本当の始まり)
Chapter 43 - For Some Reason, the Popular Guys are Gathering Around Me (なぜか、リア充達が集まるんだが)
Chapter 44 - For Some Reason, the Popular Guys are Gathering in My House (なぜか、リア充達が俺の家に集まるんだが)
Chapter 45 - For Some Reason, There Are Rumors About the Social Guy and Me (なぜか、リア充と噂があるんだが)