Chapter 6 - This Should Be The Temperament of An Average Impermanent

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dianxia: I'm so sorry about how late this is! This is the correct novel and chapter even if it doesn't seem like it in the beginning, don't worry. University is being absolutely ridiculous lately, but posts will be up max biweekly, preferably earlier if possible.

Ying Shao was awakened by the cold. He had originally already lost a lot of blood and even lay on the floor for half the night in Spring, nearly passing away just like this.

Trembling, he got up before realising that his face was also in severe pain, his nose feeling like it got run over by a huge truck. He covered his nose and looked around to see that he was in a carpark, the two powerful ghosts having left long ago without any traces except for a pile of joss paper ashes not far away, but this did not attract much of his attention.

“What the h*ll happened last night?” Ying Shao’s local hometown’s accent even appeared. He recalled carefully and it seemed that when he was semi-conscious, he saw a man in a high hat holding chains……

Nether World official?

“Did a Nether official come?” Ying Shao asked the golden silkworm Gu that he raised.

The golden silkworm Gu was a little special compared to the other Gus as it had a soul and could be used to serve the souls of other people. That was also why Ying Shao, as a Gu master, dared to take up this kind of work, subduing powerful ghosts. It was also what Old Bai referred to as a “Gu Ghost”.

— Unfortunately, Ying Shao had not been able to predict that the pair of sisters were that powerful and got caught up in their traps.

The Golden Silkworm Gu gave Ying Shao an affirmative answer. Last night, it was not a match for the powerful ghosts, but it still retained a little consciousness and after its owner had fainted, it had been guarding its owner so that he would not freeze to death.

Ying Shao thought about it pensively. So the powerful ghosts were indeed subdued by the Nether World official?

That was surprising, Nether World officials did not like to be nosy about other people’s matters, and it’s extremely difficult to invite them to help. Those that could invite Nether World officials to help were not average people. Could it be that he had encountered a rare good-hearted Nether World official who was passing by and helped him because it was convenient, or was it that the two powerful ghosts had originally offended the official?

Ying Shao thought about it for a long time and felt that the latter was more likely, as the pair of ghosts seemed like they were talented at committing crimes.

Hey, luck is also a kind of strength. He deserved to earn the money, and rent was due soon. While Ying Shao walked to the hospital, he sent a text message to his employer: “The work is complete, quickly pay up.”

When Ying Shao returned with bandages around his shoulders and gauze taped onto his nose, he saw the property manager standing at his door talking to his neighbour.

This neighbour of his was beautiful and often away from his house. Ying Shao suspected that he was a model or actor or something along those lines, but it was a pity that he did not seem to believe in the supernatural and it was impossible to earn money from him.

Alas, he nearly forgot that there was still a bloody scene here. He did not know what his neighbour had complained about either. His own actions last night were really strange and he had even told his neighbour that he was a conman. Ying Shao scratched his head, it wouldn’t be that his neighbour would want to change his residence?

The property manager saw the Ying Shao with a bruised nose and swollen face, “Mr Ying…… Is that you?”

Ying Shao’s face was still recognisable.

“You’re finally back. I heard that your house was very noisy last night, today when your neighbour got up, he saw that there was blood outside and the door was open. We looked at the surveillance tapes and we’re not sure why but the surveillance camera was spoiled, the elevator had a dent in it and you were even missing…… I was still thinking if I needed to call the police.”

The property manager tried to probe, “Mr Ying, did you go to the hospital because you were sick?”

Even though the surveillance camera in the lift was broken, the area’s monitoring device showed that no outsiders had entered and Lan He had also said that there was no one, so the property manager felt that the marks were from a fight, but there was no evidence to support this. But if he was sick, what kind of illness could cause him to look like this?

“Ah? Oh, yes, yes, yesterday I had fought very intensely with someone and my house was wrecked. After that, we hit the wall, our noses were bleeding and it was especially painful, even the elevator was dented. I’ll pay for the elevator’s repair fees, you can just pass the invoice to me.” Ying Shao said a lot of nonsense quickly.

It sounded very far-fetched. The property manager did not understand what kind of disease would have their noses bleeding so much, but without any evidence and seeing that Ying Shao’s spirits were still good, she could only say, “Then you must take care of your body……”

The property manager talked to him for a little longer before leaving.

That neighbour stood at the door, looked at Ying Shao and said, “I’m sorry, last night I had not noticed that you were sick, are you okay?”

“I’m okay, it was me who caused you trouble.” Ying Shao said, “Hey, my name is Ying Shao, I’m really sorry, I bothered you.”

“I’m Lan He.” Lan He shook his hand politely, “It’s alright, you were sick and I didn’t even know that last night, if you need any help in the future you can just come to me if I’m at home.”

“Haha, alright.” Ying Shao thought in his heart that he really had to thank this ignorant neighbour, even after hearing his nonsensical explanation, he did not waver in his beliefs, and immediately decided that he was sick, so the property manager was fooled as well.

As he was talking, his nose started hurting again and his tears nearly flowed out. F*ck, his memories of last night were still blurry and he did not know how vicious that powerful ghost was to beat his nose up like this!

Ying Shao saw his neighbour stare at himself and comforted him with a soft voice, “I’m okay, it doesn’t hurt, haha.”

Lan He: “Oh.”

The folded joss paper that Lan He had prepared for Old Bai had consumed a lot of energy yesterday. If not for Little Red and Little Green, they should have been able to be used for a long time as the paper oxen and paper horses that he folded were of a very good quality.

Luckily, Old Bai was not in a hurry and did not want them immediately, so when Lan He had spare time outside of preparing for his audition, he started to fold them again.

After meeting the powerful ghosts, it indeed caused him to have a lot of feelings and sympathy. This did not come from the bottom of his heart, but from his soul, so it was particularly striking. Thanks to Little Green’s efforts, he could construct his characters to have a lot of depth.

On the appointed day, Lan He and Liu Chunyang met in a private restaurant. Aside from being renowned for making good films, Liu Chunyang was also famous for eating, most of the articles about him would include his location, which would be at well-known restaurants.

This rule had long been summarised by the netizens. According to everyone’s personal experience, as long as the restaurant has come out on the news for at least three times, the food there would be good. Liu Chunyang had become a food vane.

The privacy there was really good. Liu Chunyang was by himself and when he saw Lan He enter, he beckoned, “Come, sit, let’s eat first before having your audition.”

As expected of Director Liu. Lan He had just sat when he heard Liu Chunyang say, “Yesterday, I was talking to the producer and spoke of you, he said that he had just finished filming a movie with you?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Lan He nodded.

“Alright, good, not bad.” Liu Chunyang had heard the director of photography talking about Lan He’s attitude in the crew, that it was decent and Lan He was a humble person. Liu Chunyang liked having actors like this. “I heard that your crew had encountered ghosts? And that it was right next door to you?”

“That’s what’s being said, I heard that there was also an occurrence of ‘ghost sitting on bed’, but I hadn’t seen it by myself, so just take it with a pinch of salt.” Lan He said it vaguely. He felt that if he resolutely said that there was no such thing, it would be rather strange, so he just followed the group mentality, since this was also what most people thought.

“True, the supernatural is ethereal in nature. I think that in this world, there’s no such thing as ghosts,” Liu Chunyang said.

His tone was very calm, and Lan He followed along, nodding.

Liu Chunyang: “But there was one time when we began to shoot, and our videographer did not make the pre-shoot offering of burning some incense sticks. After a while, his equipment broke down with no reason.”

Lan He: “......”

So does he believe in ghosts or not???

While Liu Chunyang was talking, the dishes were sent to their table. “I ordered a few signature dishes, try them.”

Lan He had always loved food, and his alcohol tolerance was pretty good as well, but because of his company, he had never dared to eat too much and controlled his alcohol intake. Now that Liu Chunyang had ordered a table full of good food, he couldn’t help but swallow his saliva back.

Turbot fish fried with mushroom with the bones removed, the fish slices looked extremely tender, and the fragrance of the mushrooms seeped out. A traditional dish of the old capital, beef fried on an iron plate, the fragrance of the sauce floating into Lan He’s nose. The boiled cabbage seedlings also looked very fresh and delicious……

The chef’s skills were really good, especially with the fried beef, Lan He felt that it was the best in the capital. He ate until he was sixty percent full before placing down his chopsticks reluctantly.

“Not eating any more? Let’s have a little more, there’ll even be desserts later, hahaha.” While he was convincing Lan He, Liu Chunyang was also stuffing himself without caring about how he looked like.

Lan He: “......”

When Liu Chunyang ate, he made the food look particularly delicious, even pouring the gravy of the meat onto his rice. The rice was coated in the sauce and paired with the vegetables, half of a small rice bowl could be eaten in one mouth.

“Then, then I’ll have another half bowl.” Lan He usually had a lot of perseverance, but this was a temptation that could not be withstood. Liu Chunyang was also always good at choosing restaurants with good food.

Lan He ate another half of a bowl and felt that he was too full, so he quickly put down his chopsticks while feeling like he had sinned.

Liu Chunyang finally stopped eating, wiped his mouth and said, “Alright, let’s start now?”

Lan He stilled, he was still a little nervous in his heart.

Liu Chunyang took out the script as he wanted to be Lan He’s partner in this scene.

In this excerpt, first, the villain that Lan He acts as will be in a discussion with the main lead and agree to help the main lead, but when the main lead leaves, he will, for the first time in the movie, reveal his true face.

Only by having to act as the same person but with two vastly different aspects would there be a sense of shock, and the character himself would also have more charisma.

Lan He had absolutely no pressure in portraying the initial image of the villain. Due to the way he looked, he had often received roles that were more kind and lovable.

This kind of actor was not rare in the industry, but when Liu Chunyang saw him smiling and revealing his two dimples, his eyes looking like they were full of the sunlight that reflects off a river stream, Liu Chunyang felt that this person was unconventional, sweet and tender but not dumb, and he also had an aura about him.

“Then, I’ll request aid from you.” Liu Chunyang spoke his last line and pulled the chair, signalling that he had opened and closed the door.

Lan He stood at the same spot silently with his head down. He lifted his hand and Liu Chunyang realised that he had a knife in his hand. This was not in the script and the knife was just a blunt decorative bone knife taken from their private room in the restaurant. He had not even realised that Lan He had picked it up and it seemed like it was a spontaneous decision.

Lan He squeezed the knife, his fingers moving dexterously, flipping the knife beautifully and attracting attention to his hands.

— A large paper ornament needed multiple bamboo strips so he was rather skilled at knifework.

This was just a prelude, a foreshadowing. Liu Chunyang didn’t make a sound. Lan He’s body language made him feel that adding this made this scene perfect, the fluidity and sharpness of his actions were as if he was really the character come to life.

Coldly, the knife was nailed into a fruit— as a decorative knife, being stuck into a fruit was its limit.

Lan He lifted his face and at this moment, his eyes had changed. It seemed careless but it revealed a large amount of hostility, even if no words had been spoken yet and there was no chilling cruelty shown.

Even Liu Chunyang could not sit still, he was shocked that he felt cold when Lan He looked at him!

At this moment, Liu Chunyang knew, it had to be him.

This kind of temperament... If Liu Chunyang had not seen Lan He’s background and known that he came from a clean academic background without mixing into society, from his eyes, he would have thought that Lan He had been in the industry for more than ten years.

Liu Chunyang was a little surprised that Lan He could show such acting skills at his young age.

“I’ll ask someone to contact the person in your company who signs contracts, if Old Wang’s drama clashes with mine, reject him! In addition, I haven’t decided on the male lead, when the time comes you should come with me to act as his partner in the audition.” Liu Chunyang found his actor so his mood was extremely good.

It was not enough for this actor to only have good acting skills, it was also important that there was chemistry between the actors themselves. He had been hesitating regarding his choices of his male lead, but because he had decided on his antagonist now, he did have a bit of an idea on who his male lead could be.

“Thank you Director Liu!” Lan He couldn’t hide his happiness.

Liu Chunyang suddenly got inspired and immediately made a call, “Xingyang? Yes, it’s me, are you still on set? Your sister is about to give birth right? Haha, tomorrow you should go back to accompany her. How long do you plan on resting, do you want to make money for your little nephew’s red packet……”

When Lan He heard the name “Xingyang” and that the person’s sister was about to give birth, he could infer that Liu Chunyang was talking about Chen Xingyang and Chen Xingyu, speaking of them, they were alumni from his school.

This pair of actor and actress siblings were dragon and phoenix twins, they went to the performing academy’s test together and became famous after. Furthermore, they have both worked with Liu Chunyang in the past. They were also very hardworking, Chen Xinyu still worked even though she was pregnant, up until she had to stop this month because she had to give birth.

Liu Chunyang chatted for a few minutes and made an appointment with Chen Xingyang to audition, hung up the phone and said, “I think he’s suitable, these few days he’s almost finished up in Song Qiyun’s filming crew.”

A name like Song Qiyun, while it seemed rather soft and pretty, it was actually a male’s name, and he was an especially well-known leader in the industry. Just by the awards that he had received alone, they were more than Liu Chunyang’s awards.

His wife was also an exceptional woman in her industry. Their son was rarely exposed and did not appear in the public eye, but in these recent years he had a bit of fame— Director Song’s son’s real name had been published differently online and no one knew what it really was, but everyone knew his pen name “Xuan Guang”, aka Suspended Light. Using this pen name, he edited his father’s script and wrote two original scripts which were highly praised and even gained a few awards.

It was just that even when receiving the award, Song Qiyun had sent an employee to receive it on behalf of his son. This whole family was exceedingly low-key.

Lan He had not seen any news about Liu Chunyang and Song Qiyun being friends, but Liu Chunyang brought him up with familiarity. Thinking about it, they were both famous directors, they should have met at multiple events.

At this time, the snacks that Liu Chunyang had ordered specifically to come after their meal had been sent to their table. Lan He stared at them, his heart thinking about whether he should eat a piece, since this was his first time trying the gourmet’s, Liu Chunyang’s, choice of food……

Liu Chunyang said relaxedly, “By the way, the character that I have in mind, his image is relatively thin. With your current weight, I think you still need to lose another 2.5kg.”

Lan He could not react immediately. “Ah?”

Liu Chunyang: “You, lose 2.5kg.”

Lan He: “...... Then why would you ask me to eat just now?”

Liu Chunyang said quietly, “Because it could have been your last full meal in the coming months.”

Lan He: “......”

Not long after Lan He and Liu Chunyang separated, the company had sent a lot of WeChats to Lan He to ask about the results and was particularly concerned about the matter. Lan He responded with a message telling them about the good news, and on the other side, they almost went insane with happiness.

In the afternoon, Cheng Haidong also called, and even ran to Lan He’s house to celebrate with him. “Look at you, you went to audition for Director Liu’s movie without telling me, it was my Teacher who told me. Now we can work in the same crew again.”

“I didn’t know if I could pass.” Lan He said. Looking at the box of cake that Cheng Haidong put down, he didn’t know if he should laugh or cry, “Why did you even buy a cake?”

“Isn’t this because we’re celebrating!” Cheng Haidong even brought candles over, “Come on, fortunate man! Let’s be prosperous!”

“Unfortunately, Director Liu just told me that for this role, I have to lose 2.5kg.” Lan He said weakly.

“That’s too miserable……” Cheng Haidong said sympathetically. “This is the bad part about being an actor, just for a role, they have to lose and gain weight. Like you, now all your roles require you to lose weight right?”

With Lan He’s kind of appearance, so far, he hadn’t received any roles that required him to deliberately gain weight.

Lan He wilted, “Stop talking, I’m becoming hungry.”

And he couldn’t eat anyway, he had eaten too much during his previous meal with Liu Chunyang.

Cheng Haidong said happily, “Some people can still be happy when they’re dieting, and they’re particularly self-disciplined. One actress told me, she could never give up on eating unless she was near death!”

“This is stil……” Lan He said a few words and stopped suddenly. “Wait, unless she nearly died?”

Cheng Haidong only saw Lan He’s expression suddenly change while he was talking and got a little scared, “What kind of expression is that on your face?”

As Lan He thought about it, his facial expression became more strange, “Nothing, just a little hungry.”

Cheng Haidong was shocked, this actor was really going insane because of hunger.

It was just that Lan He had suddenly thought of it, since those ghosts could enjoy their burnt offerings, then when he was in his Impermanent state, he would probably be able to eat? And it shouldn’t affect his body?

Could this be the attitude of an Impermanent?

As the chosen son of the Earth, he would work as an actor to support himself and walk towards the darkness.