Chapter 160: There’s Grass, Twist Your Hips So It’ll Fall Off

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The two walked one in front of the other, passing the basketball court where the inmates were fighting.

Nan Xun looked around curiously and found that there were people circling around the basketball court, and heard some noise coming from inside the circle, but it didn’t sound anything like a quarrel.

Nan Xun originally had wanted to look, but Yan Luo walked forward without looking sideways, so he also followed Yan Luo after glancing a few times at the crowd.

Because the higher ups promoted a greener environment, even if it was just a jail, it also had quite a large area of greenery. After passing the basketball court and going inside, there is a meadow along the southwest corner of the prison. It’s surrounded by beautiful undulating hillsides, with a few towering trees growing on the grassy slope, lush and green, casting a large and cool shadow on the soft grass.

It was said that these trees were quite historical and that they were specifically preserved when the government built Meihuan Prison.

Yan Luo found a dented meadow slope and put his head on his palms like a pillow on the emerald green grass.

The place he chose was very good, just on the slope, and it was hidden from prying eyes. His handsome face fell underneath the tree’s shadow, the part below his neck was exposed to the sun. It didn’t, however, prevent him from a good rest while still basking in the sun.

Nan Xun, who was silently watching him picking a good place and laid down comfortably, had squinted eyes: …

Nan Xun sat down beside him with his long legs, one leg stretched out while the other one leg was slightly bent. Then he rested his chin on his knee. His pair of black, bright eyes fell down as he looked straight at Yan Luo’s face.

The sunlight passed through the thick foliage and mottled upon the ground, the pale golden light fell on the young man’s face and his dark eyes reflected a cluster of warm light. Just like two lanterns swaying quietly on a wave of clear spring.

Suddenly, Yan Luo’s drooping long eyelashes trembled, and the light clusters in the boy’s eyes shattered and dispersed into pitch-darkness.

“Am I good-looking?” Yan Luo asked all of a sudden, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, that slight hook of his mouth carried a bit of devilish and unrestrained teasing.

Nan Xun blinked, he wasn’t embarrassed of being caught peeping and smiled back instead, “Really handsome, very charismatic. I hope to become a man like brother in the future.”

Yan Luo’s dashing eyebrows faintly raised, followed by a deep laughter coming from his throat that was like a cello in warm sunlight.

“You little bootlicker.” The man’s thin lips lazily opened and closed, the sound that came out stirred in the air and made it sound like whispers.

Nan Xun’s ears were good so he could hear the other party’s voice and promptly said, “It’s true, brother, when I saw brother for the first time, I thought to myself, who’s this tyrant? However, I finally found out that brother was born to throw your weight around after I talked with you later on. If you don’t throw your weight around, you would be letting down your own configuration instead.”

Yan Luo’s squinted eyes were now fully open, his head turned sideways as he looked at him in a composed manner and asked with a smile, “Configuration? What do you mean by ‘configuration’?”

Nan Xun immediately counted on his fingers, “My brother Yan has long legs and a good body, a wide back and a narrow hip. Not only can you fight, you can also solder circuit planks. Brother, how can I not admire you? Just wait until I’m of your age, I also want to become someone like brother.”

Yan Luo shot a glance at the child, those pair of sparkling black eyes looked so translucent, and the admiration from them was scalding hot until it almost heated up this cool and shady place.

It’s not that Yan Luo had never seen little brothers who fervently worship him, but he always thought that Su Mobai was very special.

He didn’t feel much when others said this, in fact he may even think that the other party was only kissing up to him, but when the child Su Mobai said this, his pair of glazed eyes made him feel that he was being sincere. All kinds of flattery that came up from his mouth felt genuine and even made him comfortable.

Yan Luo patted the grass beside him, “Come on, Little White, chat with this grandpa.”

“Brother, don’t you want to sleep more? Did I bother you? I can go aside, brother, you can sleep without worry, I’ll call you when the whistle is blown.”

Yan Luo glanced at him, “Come.”

That light-as-a-feather one word was an order that couldn’t be questioned.

Nan Xun uttered an ‘oh’, and then he laid down on the patch of grass beside him very obediently.

When he looked up, there was a vast expanse of clear blue sky among the lush trees adorned with white clouds like marshmallows. When a few birds flew past, they would depart with a string of beautiful calls.

The man beside him suddenly turned his head to look at him, seeing the child gazing into the sky in a daze and did not know what he was thinking.

So Yan Luo asked him, “Little White, what are your plans after going out?”

Nan Xun paused and smiled bitterly, “Brother, have you forgotten? I’m sentenced to life imprisonment. This is where I’ll be spending all my life. And even if the sentence is changed into a determinate sentence, it still would be a good 20-ish years out, ah.”

“If you could go out, Little White, then what would you want to do?”

Nan Xun also turned his head to look at him, meeting that pair of dark and deep eyes at once. It felt like he was sucked into them.

Nan Xun moved his eyes from him, finding himself somewhat at a loss, “Even if I really could go out, I still won’t be able to finish university. The matter of me having been jailed has already spread throughout my hometown, so it’s not very realistic for me to go back home and farm. So I’d sell the old house and then find a place, build a small house where there’s no one else, and spend my remaining years in solitary.

After listening to this, Yan Luo narrowed his eyes, “You’re still this young and you’ve already thought about retirement?”

Nan Xun wasn’t happy, “Isn’t this what brother asked? I already answered but you still dare to laugh at me.”

Saying this, he turned his body over and faced his back to him.

“Having a temper? Little White?”

“How come you’re like a little girl, getting angry when you say you’re not angry?”

Nan Xun said in his heart: I’m a little girl ah.

A man’s body and a girl’s heart.

Yan Luo poked and poked his lower back with his finger.

Nan Xun scrunched his body immediately.

“Little White, you’re actually ticklish.” As if he had found something interesting, Yan Luo couldn’t help but extended his devil’s claw again and poked twice.

Nan Xun jumped up from his poking, feeling annoyed, “Brother!”

Yan Luo laughed loudly, feeling very happy.

Why didn’t he meet this child, Little White, earlier? How fun ah, his life will definitely not be boring in the future.

“Didn’t you just say that you want to be someone like this grandpa? If you silently find a place to spend your remaining years like an elder, then how can you become a person like me?” Yan Luo said.

Nan Xun sighed, “I was also just saying that my wants and what I can do are two different things. I’m now like this, and I can’t get out anyway.”

After hearing this, Yan Luo stared at him suddenly, his eyes dark and deep, hiding what he was thinking in his mind.

He moved his thin lips, seeming like he wanted to say something, but the guard’s whistle suddenly came from afar at that moment.

Nan Xun thought the whistle was to end break time, but their break time obviously hadn’t finished yet. The whistles were blown rapidly several times.

Yan Luo reluctantly stood up and took the child to walk out.

“Brother, wait a minute!” Nan Xun removed the heavy arm on his shoulder before turning to Yan Luo and lightly patted bits of grass on his back.

“Brother, there’s still some left on your buttocks, you can get rid of them by twisting your hips twice oh.” Nan Xun suggested in dead earnest.


This chapter is Proofread by Yserieh, my translation is so much more better like this (≧▽≦)

Omg, Nan Xun, you just want our male god to shake his hips for you right???? (⊙ꇴ⊙)

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