Chapter 2 - Allocation [OW]

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Su Ling glared at the door. He got out of bed and tried to open the door, but failed to open it. Then he looked down at the wrist of his left hand, the blood-stained from the white gauze on his wrist was very conspicuous. At the same time, he could feel the stabbing pain. He can't stay here, this woman is sick!

Standing on the spot and randomly thinking about everything, Su Ling took a deep breath and walked to the desk next to the window, with the medicine and gauze he received on it. He picked up the medicine and read the instructions, pulled the stool to sit down, and removed the bandage. When the wound was exposed, he carefully observed it and was almost certain that the wound originated from a suicide. He pursed his lips and carefully applied medicine before changing the bandage.

This original body seemed to be only 17 or 18 years old. For him to do such a thing, he obviously had a very unpleasant experience. Moreover, such a stepmother, it is impossible to be happy. He wrapped his bandage, got up and walked to the bed. He took the paper thrown by the woman and read carefully.

'Omega Marriage System Allocation Application Form: The system will select the Alpha that best matches your genes from the gene bank. After the pairing is successful, the Alpha will pick you up at your address within three days and go through the marriage procedures with you.

Remarks: This form adopts a completely voluntary principle, so please sign it by hand. The relevant department will conduct an authenticity check, and after confirming that it is correct, we will start matching you with a suitable partner.'

Marriage allocation?

When Su Ling recalled that woman's words, she said because no one is willing to marry him, he has to apply for a system allocation. But he is still so young! And a man to boot...

No, that's not right!

His eyes fell at the heading of the form, and there was a line in the upper right corner: For Omega use. He is no stranger to this word, as he has just finished reading a novel related to this keyword. Because the author wrote about his imaginary male god, he acted cute to the author. Then because the male god died in the novel, he sent the author a row of bloody knives[1].

Omega exists in an ABO world setting. In this world, people have six genders, male Alpha, Beta, Omega, female Alpha, Beta, Omega. Simply put, no matter male or female, the Alpha ones will be the gong, will not be pregnant; Beta can be gong and shou, but their fertility rate is not high; Omega is purely shou, with the highest fertility rate. Beta has the largest number of people, A and O are very rare, A is more than O, the strongest of the three, with O being the weakest in terms of strength.

‘Ten thousand mud horses’ ran across Su Ling's heart. ABO's world setting? Isn't that fictional? It turned out to be true! And he is an Omega now? That means there will be estrus period, which he won’t be able to resist Alpha, and will even be 'thirsty'? Without any hesitation, Su Ling tore the paper apart, he would never let the system assign him a husband. He likes men, but it doesn't mean he likes any man. He threw the paper into the trash bin and thought for a moment. Then he started to rummage the room carefully and put useful things he found on the desk. To his delight, he found a ‘watch’ that looked like what the man used in the hospital. He carefully read the ‘watch’s’ manual.

The 'watch' is called a personal bracelet. It has the functions of a mobile phone and a computer and can pop up a holographic screen, very high-tech. The instructions were quite clear, and Su Ling soon knows how to use his bracelet. He opens the address book to understand how was this original body’s social circle. One can finish reading the address book with just a glance; Teacher, Father, Aunt Han, Second younger brother and Third younger brother, a total of five contacts. After a moment of pause, Su Ling switched to the diary. He hesitated, then unlocked the lock with his fingerprint.

It took him a long time to read the boy’s past. After reading it, he felt a little uncomfortable. The holographic screen showed the last page of the diary, May 19th.

"Today, I’m 18 years old, already a grown-up, must be brave! I wished to be able to enter the university, take care of mother's shop. I will confess tomorrow, must be brave!"

Su Ling sighed, closed the diary, and checked the paper he discovered earlier. He found three pink-white cards in the drawer, all of which were words of confessions and blessings. All three were crossed out, which were obviously drafts. The bottom one has distinct folds, like it has been stained wet by water. He turned the card over, and the writing on the back was very messy.

"I'm a coward, I'm useless, no one will like me, I can't go to university, I can't take care of my mother's shop, sorry mother, sorry..."

Su Ling exhaled and turned his head to look out of the window. The orange sunlight shining on the window was lovely. He placed the card back in the drawer and locked it. He continued to look at the bracelet to get more information. Sliding at the holographic screen, Su Ling saw an encrypted folder named ‘Mom’. The folder has two files in it, namely ‘Mom’s Gift’ and ‘Mom’s Shop’.

Mom's gift file contains a total of 16 videos, which was birthday wishes from the age of 3 to 18. The last opened date of the latest video is May 19th, 00:00. Su Ling clicked on the final video, and a gentle woman with short hair and kind eyebrows appeared on the holographic screen. Her face was pale, and she doesn’t look like she is in good health. She sat on a wicker chair in the garden and smiled at the camera, "Ling Ling, happy 18th birthday. Mother is sorry for not be able to stay with you all the time."

Tears burst into the woman's eyes, "My poor child, is he not good to you? I’m so sorry, your growth requires an elder’s pheromone to appease it, so I can't not send you away." She wiped her tears and grinned reluctantly, "Congratulations to adulthood, mother's shop is officially handed over to you today. It's up to you on how to arrange the matter."

Then with a careful look, she said, "What I am about to say next, you must remember carefully. Mother has been looking for ways to treat your pheromone abnormalities for the past two years. There are already clues, but unfortunately, mother's time is running out."

"You contact Uncle Nalu in the shop, he will take you to the Capital’s insurance company, where I have deposited 3 A-level spiritual plants. Only you can take them out if you go in person; your pheromone abnormality is related to them."

Her gaze was sad, "Mother is really sorry, it was all because of my negligence that you suffered."

She looked deeply at the screen, "Don't marry someone who doesn't love you in the future. Mother wishes you a happy, happy birthday, Ling Ling."

Su Ling froze for a while before finally recovering. This woman looks exactly like his mother. He can't help but wonder if this really him in another world? It took him a while to calm down his emotions. Reaching out and touched the back of his neck, Su Ling’s expression slightly loosened. It's okay if there is hope for treatment. He doesn't want to be stinky all his life. Just that he doesn’t know what is ‘spiritual plant’. This original body also mentioned in the diary, saying that he wanted to be admitted into the Spiritual Plant department.

Next, Su Ling opened the file named ‘Mom’s Shop’. There was a real estate certificate with the address of the shop and some related information. The name at the ownership box was Su Ling’s name. Other than a real estate certificate, there is a manual.

"The company was entrusted by Madam Qin Min, that after her son Su Ling's 18th birthday, she will transfer the Tian Ling Fragrance Bar under her name to Su Ling's name. The procedure has been completed and can be utilised at any time."

There is also the contact information of the person in charge of the store, Nalu. Su Ling did not hesitate to contact Nalu right away. Just after he hung up the call, the door of his room was pushed open, so he immediately looked over.

A pretty boy rushed in. Immediately, Su Ling knew the identity of the other party, his stepmother's eldest son, his second younger brother, 16-year-old Omega Su Ao.

Su Ao stayed two steps away from him, the pitch of his voice raised up, "You hit my mother?"

Su Ling glanced at his wrist and felt that violence is not a good idea. He stood up, causing the boy to take a step back vigilantly. Stooping down to pick up the bloody bandage from the trash bin, he replied with a calm and helpless tone, "She hit me and fell due to unstable footing."

Su Ao snorted, "I knew it. Was thinking that you won’t be that bold, coward."

He covered his nose in disgust, "Picking up something from the trash, so dirty. Since you didn't do it, I will let you go." As he said that, he raised his chin proudly and pulled the hem of his blue suit dress, "Dad bought this for me when he came back." Then he turned to go out, "Come on, my mother said to get you for dinner together." After that, he muttered, "Don’t know what mother is thinking, why we have to call you for dinner together..."

Su Ling threw the bandage into the trash bin and raised his eyebrows. This father, who has been working all year round, has returned. He was initially worried that he would be locked and starved. After washed his hands, Su Ling followed behind Su Ao. Su Ao walked proudly and said, "Dad specially came back to hold a 16th birthday party for me."

Su Ling's phoenix eyes squinted, "So good."

The eldest son's birthday didn’t even get a Happy Birthday wishes, but for the second son, he hurried back to hold a party, such bias. However, this is for the best, he won’t have any psychological burden no matter what he did.

Su Ao thought it was a compliment and was very satisfied.

On the dinner table, Su Ling can match all the people with the names in the address book except Teacher. During the entire dinner, 4 members of the Su Family enjoyed the meal like a family, while he was treated like air. However, Su Ling didn't care. He ate his food seriously, the chef's skill was excellent, the taste was delicious. He ate his meat with the vegetable and was very satisfied.

After dinner, Su Ling was hesitant whether to go back to his room or continue acting like air to listen to them chatting and collecting some news about this world. Then he heard Father Su saying, "Su Ling, come here."

Su Ling followed Father Su to the living room sofa. Mother Su, Zhao Han sat on the side with a gentle face, while Old Second and Third sat side by side.
Father Su: "Have you signed the application form your mother gave you?"

Su Ling shook his head.

Father Su was displeased: "Your mother is correct, you have been rebellious recently."

He took out a piece of paper and a pen and pushed it to Su Ling, "Sign it, if it's fast enough, I can still attend your wedding before I go on a business trip."

Su Ling looked down at the paper and saw the familiar application form. It was exactly same with the previous one, the one that had been turned into pieces and lying in the trash can.

"I won't sign," Su Ling looked at Father Su, "I won't accept being paired by the system."

Father Su’s expression darkened, and Zhao Han warmly persuaded: "Your father is thinking for your own good. You also know your situation, other than getting a matching by the system, it will be tough for you to find a partner."

Father Su said sternly: "You are an adult, what do you want to do if you don't get married?"

Su Ling was not intimidated by him at all. He honestly stated his plan, "I want to take a university entrance exam."

There were many study notes in the bracelet, which are similar to modern knowledge, just that biology is vastly different. He has yet to graduate in his real world, so now that he is 18 years old, he must finish studies. Otherwise, he really doesn't know what he can do.

A chuckle escaped nearby. Su Ling took a glance and saw Su Ao covering his mouth with a smile, "How could you possibly go to university?"

Su Ling pursed his lips, "How do you know I can't pass the exam?"

Su Ao: "You are so stinky."

Su Ling was very dissatisfied with personal attacks, but could not refute either: "... Is this even related to me taking the exam?"

Su Ao looked at him like a fool: "Nonsense, you are an Omega. Your pheromone is so stinky, how can you pass the exam?! Unless the rest of your subjects are all excellent."

Su Ling was stunned, pheromones’ smell can affect whether he could go to university or not?

Father Su's face was even more ugly: "You don't even know anything about the exams, and you want to go to university?"

He was too lazy to argue, and pointed at the application form, "Sign!"

Su Ling's attitude was firm: "I won't sign."

Even if he fails to enter university, he will not let the system assign him a marriage partner.

The author has something to say:
Thank you for your support (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭?~
Yesterday there was a little cute comment, worrying about little O’s pheromone smell. He is now in an abnormal state but will recover! He is very fragrant \ (^ o ^) / ~
Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or donated~
Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Raw word count: 3356

[1] Means emoticons or pictures in comment area/pm. Not the real knife because that's illegal :v
