Chapter 48.1 - Before It Overflows (溢れる前に)

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Thanks to her conversation with Maryjun, Violette felt like her anxiety had cleared up for the time being. It’s not like Maryjun had completely changed her mindset, but she had understood the importance of keeping up appearances.

That being said, having her realizing that wouldn’t change Violette’s life.

Violette was still ignored in the family. No one tried to pull her into the group, and she didn’t try to approach them as well. Rather, she didn’t want to get closer to Maryjun any more than this and have her emotion shaken.

Although Violette had decided on what she would do after graduation, she didn’t need to do anything to achieve it.

Rather, clumsily putting effort to become a nun might make someone notice her intention. Once that happened, her road to the monastery would be blocked. How could the daughter of the Duke become a nun… It’s not like no one had done that before, but the public would surely get curious about the reason.

And when it reached her father’s ears, she would get questioned. No, her father would scold her without listening to her and marry her to a man beneficial to the family. To be honest, that seemed more likely than becoming a nun.

(And… Staying silent may be the answer to live in peace.)

The number of people who ostentatiously spread rumors about them would most likely decrease once Maryjun changed her attitude. Faultfinders might change her good deeds to bad deeds, but the surroundings would clearly see the truth. Stretching the fact was just obvious.

That’s why, Violette could avoid what she feared the most at the academy. It didn’t matter if anyone hated Maryjun. Violette’s only concern was Maryjun’s reaction to those guys.

“——chan. ...Vio-chan, are you listening?”

“Oh… I’m sorry. What is it?”

“Did I get this right?”

“Um… Yeah, you’re doing well.”

The large library of the large academy wouldn’t feel cramped even if all the students gathered here. There were lots of seats. Not to say, many rooms in the academy functioned as a library. Well, most of them were salons. This place was the only one with the largest collection of books, causing it to be worthy of being called ‘library.’ It’s similar to a headquarters and branches.

And today there were a lot of people gathering to study. Be it in the salon or the library.

The reason why students bothered opening their textbooks and notebooks in the library after school was only one.

“Yulan, I’m sure you can manage easily without asking me to check.”

“Yeah. But Vio-chan might praise me if I answer correctly.”

Seeing how Yulan was extremely cheerful, Violette almost forgot that they were studying. It might be normal if he liked doing it, but that was not the case. Yulan was smart, but he wasn’t particularly fond of studying.

The truth was Yulan was in such a good mood since Violette was right next to him. It wasn’t like he pretended to study seriously to stay with Violette. He had to study, so this was killing two birds with one stone.

“My… Then how about this? If you can answer all the questions correctly, I’ll give you a reward.”

“Really!? Yay!”

They weren’t having a study session together, and Violette wasn’t here to teach him. Even so, treating him somewhere wouldn’t be a problem at all as long as Yulan wanted to. And with his academy ability, he definitely could easily answer all the questions correctly.

“Come on, you have to finish it before the closing time.”


After Yulan replied so, his relaxed expression instantly turned into a serious one. Yulan didn’t lose his gentle atmosphere even when he wasn’t smiling, but it’s hard to see his appearance of looking down at the notebook as friendly. Still, he still didn’t look as harsh as Violette. His drooping eyes made him seem unconditionally soft.

Presently, Violette and Yulan were studying for the test.

One year was divided into three semesters. Two tests were held in one semester, a total of six tests in a year. Testing all subjects in three days in order to understand the student’s academic ability wasn’t a system that students liked very much. It was still bearable since this was the first test for the first semester, but the test would gradually grow harder as they approached the end semester. After all, the scope of the test was everything the students had learned.

You wouldn’t have any problem as long as you could understand everything that had been taught. But to be honest, studying for the test would take you nowhere.

That’s why the students found a small loophole. Of course they wouldn’t dare to cheat. It’s a very simple test strategy.

“I’m glad Vio-chan kept last year's tests for me.”

“Since I know Yulan will need it, how can I throw it away?”

It’s very easy. Ask the senior to tell you past test questions.

Teachers weren’t that free either. There’s no way they could recreate the test every year, considering how it was held six times a year. Above all, the lessons didn’t change. Changing the test questions means the teachers had to do everything all over again, which was troublesome.

Perhaps because of that, the test questions basically didn’t change that much every year. It wasn’t exactly the same, but around sixty to seventy percent of it had similar questions. Since the teachers only changed the wordings and numbers, solving it would be simple.

However, this strategy couldn’t be used in the exam at the end of the semester, so they still had to study properly. This just made it easier for the students to take a breather, not a winning strategy.

“No, I knew Vio-chan would have kept it for me, but… you know…”


Readers: Oi oi, where did you go, translator!? Disappearing for three months... Looking for death!?
Translator: I'm sorry... I've been playing Genshin all day these months... (((come back because there's nothing left to do before zhongli's banner))
Readers: Ah!? So you gonna disappear again!? *raisingpitchforks
Translator: No no, I promise I will manage my time better QAQ *knowtow

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