Chapter 8 - The Beta Lieutenant Colonel Who Died For His Country (8)

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Translated by: Niladri

Edited by: celes


After a long conversation with Carlo, Andrew, who returned to the cabin, suddenly lost the smile from the corner of his mouth. He sniffed his left hand and hooked his mouth indifferently: “I have really discovered a serious matter.”

Later, he operated the light brain multiple times and connected through an encrypted channel. A gray-haired man’s holographic projection appeared in midair, but anyone who was present could recognize the man. He was the head of the Fifth Legion, General Wayne.

Wayne was a legendary figure, and he was famous for a battle against the Zergs where he won with a tactic of using a few to defeat many. It was a pity that recently the Fifth Legion, which he led, has not managed to obtain any achievements for a long time, and his prestige among the people has also been reduced. In this special period when the marshal was seriously ill, this was not a favorable situation for Wayne.

On the contrary, the prestige and popularity of his biggest contender, General Reese of the Second Legion, was steadily increasing due to the meritorious actions of the Thunder Gale Special Operations Force under his son, Commander Xiu Yi Te, in recent years.

In order to compete for the highest position of the military, Wayne took a lot of actions in the dark, but it had little effect.

“Sir.” Andrew respectfully saluted.

Wayne frowned and was dissatisfied: “Contacting directly from Thunder Gale, you are too daring.”

“Sir, I have just learnt a very important piece of information. Carlo Meg, the newcomer that Xiu Yi Te really valued, is actually an Omega. And it seems that Xiu Yi Te and Reiner are divided because of this. ”

“Sure enough, it is good news, it’s been hard for you.” Wayne nodded thoughtfully.

Even when he had reached the combat command room, Lu Heng’s anger still had not subsided yet. Carlo’s actions already violated his bottom line. A man in military uniform was kneeling like that without dignity.

“Reiner, what happened?” It had been so long since Reiner had such a huge mood swing so Xiu Yi Te subtly asked. Always felt he was out of sorts. Before, he would tease Reiner and was able to make him burst into anger easily.

“It’s not something important, let’s talk about business.”

Although his heart felt uncomfortable as if a thousand ants were crawling on it, nevertheless, Xiu Yi Te put aside his questions and opened the holographic projection.

“This is the star map we took back last time, look at these coordinates.” Xiu Yi Te zoomed in on a certain point.

“This is… a wormhole?”

“Yes, according to the pictures transmitted by the scouting robot, this wormhole link seems to lead to the Zerg territory, and it’s in the center.”

“What? The side of the wormhole is in the Marach defense line’s rear area. Once the wormhole is discovered by the Zerg, the consequences are unimaginable,” Lu Heng said.

For humans, only people with 3S physique could pass through the wormhole without being crushed by high-rank wormholes. But for the Zerg, such restrictions were not too strict, and high-level Zerg were basically the equivalent of 3S rank.

Xiu Yi Te nodded: “The task assigned by the military is to use the high magnetic energy R-1 to induce the wormhole to collapse, but I have an idea.”

Lu Heng naturally responded: “Do you want to go to that side of the wormhole and have a look?”

Xiu Yi Te has always considered killing the Zergs as his biggest goal in life, but as long as the Zerg Queen exists, there will always be a steady stream of Zerg harassing the territory of the Terran. The Queen has always been hidden in the center of the heavily protected Zerg territory without any trace. Now, with such a good opportunity, it wasn’t surprising that Xiu Yi Te wanted to investigate that part.

“Even now you understand me.” Xiu Yi Te grinned and intended to give Lu Heng a big smile.

“This is not in compliance with the rules.”

The moment those words were spoken, the corner of the mouth that Xiu Yi Te had raised to half a smile, suddenly slammed down and looked very frustrated. In the original world line, Reiner eventually did not agree to send Xiu Yi Te to the other side of the wormhole. It was Carlo who went with him. After the two experienced several life-and-death situations, he was more determined to keep Carlo in Thunder Gale. After that, the conflicts with Reiner grew more and more intense. How could Lu Heng let this happen? Anyway, the sons of fate were destined to fall in love so it doesn’t matter if you changed a little detail.

“However, if you explore privately [and not under authority of commander]…” Lu Heng’s words were not finished, and he was interrupted by the repaired Xiu Yi Te.

“Little Nana, you really are my cute little angel, I really love you!”

Lu Heng, who was caught off guard, was indifferent and pushed away the Xiu Yi Te who seemed to be wagging his tail. “Now, let’s talk about Carlo’s problem.”

Xiu Yi Te, whose blood was boiling with excitement, calmed down and thought about it. Indeed, as Lu Heng said, the existence of Carlo, at any time, could cause Thunder Gale to fall into a calamity. Putting the whole team in such a dangerous situation was not something that a qualified leader should do. However, as soon as he remembered that Carlo was the child of Sergeant Meg, he did not have the heart to hand Carlo over to the Law Division.

Xiu Yi Te looked at Lu Heng, His expression was dull, his eyebrows were as close as ever, and his pale lips were drawn into a line. This may have seemed like an indifferent appearance to others, but it helped him settle down.

With Reiner, things could be solved easily. When did it start, Reiner became the leader between them. Throughout his childhood, Reiner was a shy boy who followed him. He didn’t know when it started, Reiner suddenly grew up, became mature and calm, and nothing could make him move his eyebrows.

Such a Reiner is so reliable, but he wonders how long it has been since Reiner last smiled. Xiu Yi Te suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, like a feeling of distress.

“Commander, Commander? Xiu Yi Te!”

Suddenly interrupted by Lu Heng’s voice, Xiu Yi Te became alert: “Say, you were so angry, was it because of Carlo’s matter?”

Lu Heng nodded: “From my personal point of view, I don’t think Carlo Meg is suitable to be a soldier. However, considering Sergeant Meg, I think we can give him a chance, do you remember General Dylan Shaw?”

Dylan Shaw was a legend, he was the only Omega general in human history. Dylan was born into a family of soldiers. He received blood-and-iron education from an early age. He was not willing to marry and give birth and trap himself in a house. He chose to cut off his gland and give up all rights that belonged to Omega and became a soldier. Afterwards, he blossomed in radiant splendor, leaving a lasting and colorful stroke in history.

Without Lu Heng specifying, Xiu Yi Te understood what he meant. “I will talk to Carlo. If he doesn’t want to, I will ask him to submit a retirement report.”

The military headquarters requested Thunder Gale to complete the task of bombing the wormhole within one month. Without further ado, after planning out various details, Xiu Yi Te and Lu Heng set off for the wormhole.

Even with a 3S-level physique, crossing the wormhole still made Lu Heng feel dizzy from vertigo, making him nauseous. Taking a deep breath, he barely suppressed this uncomfortable feeling. Lu Heng soon began to work with Xiu Yi Te to explore the situation around them.

The two veterans quickly found a planet north of the wormhole. The distance from the star was moderate and its orbit was stable. It was very likely that there were living beings. So both of them chose this planet as their first stop.

The planet was in an extremely primitive state, with tall trees covering the sky and insanely long vines weaving a huge network on the ground. However, it was too quiet, without any sounds of living beings. This wasn’t normal. A planet so suitable for supporting life, coupled with the sticky sensation under their feet and a sweet smell in the air; evidently, it was the territory of the Zerg. Only warriors who have fought in battle could smell this special odour. Lu Heng and Xiu Yi Te looked at each other and looked very dignified.

Lu Heng squatted down, grabbed a piece of white matter on the ground and looked at it: “It looks like the Zerg’s eggshell. It seems that this planet is possibly the Queen’s hiding place…”

“It’s not ‘possibly’, it’s ‘certainly’.” The voice just fell, and Xiu Yi Te’s figure flashed like a cheetah. His right leg was like a long whip hitting a Zerg’s abdomen.

The Zerg was kicked heavily over to the stone wall, and the stone wall was smashed apart, scattering a lot of debris. However, the Zerg only shook its head and rushed over again without any problem.

The incoming Zerg had golden lining all over its body and carried a pair of transparent feather wings, and the antenna on the top of its head were almost twice as long as its body. This was a high-level Zerg that only appeared next to the Queen – the Guardian Zerg.

As the Queen’s elite troops, Guardian Zergs were extremely rare, and only one in a million eggs became Guardian Zerg. In contrast, the Guardian Zerg had strong combat ability and golden lining that almost no weapon could break open; only mechs could give it damage. But the Queen’s spiritual network definitely covered the entire planet. Once the mech was taken out of the space button, energy fluctuations were bound to be discovered by the Queen. There would be multiple Guardians attacking, and even fleeing into the sky would be a difficult problem.

Lu Heng grasped the dagger and stabbed into the side of the Guardian Zerg, trying to attack the part under the wing that looked vulnerable. Then the knife pierced, only to find that there seemed to be a jelly-like tissue fluid, which caused no harm to the Guardian Zerg.

Stuck there, Lu Heng saw that Xiu Yi Te had made a gesture, indicating that he should distract the Guardian Zerg. Lu Heng took the opportunity to slash into the mouthparts that came out from the Guardian. He was extremely fast, lunging the moment the Zerg extended its mouthparts. The dagger made a long hole in the mouth where it had no armor protection.

zerg mouth

The severe pain made the Guardian Zerg emit a sharp scream, and it angrily focused all its attacks on Lu Heng. Although Lu Heng’s hands were fast, they were still hit by the Guardian Zerg’s corrosive saliva droplets, causing a burning sizzle. His face was the same, he was still agile enough to avoid the Zerg’s attack, but it was still a little difficult for a single person to fight against a Guardian Zerg without using a mech.

The high-intensity action caused the muscles to fatigue quickly. Lu Heng’s movements slowed for a moment, and the sharp mouth parts of the Zerg were going to fall on his shoulders. If this attack was implemented, it would inevitably pull off half of his arm.